#32 Count intro.
S1: Press, kick, coaster step, scuff, step, 1/4 turn, behind side cross
1-2crossing right over left press fwd onto right foot, recover onto left kicking right fwd
3&4&5step back right(3) close left to right(&) step fwd right(4) scuff left (&) Step onto left (5)
6on the ball of both feet turn 1/4 turn right bringing weight onto left
7&8step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
S2: Side rock, behind, side cross, step lock & press, recover
1-2rock left to left side, replace weight to right
3&4step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6&step right to right diagonal, lock step left behind right, step onto right
7-8press fwd onto left, recover onto right
S3: Back, back, sailor 1/2 turn, & side rock, cross, back, turn 1/4
1-2step back left, step back right
3&4rock back left, turning 1/4 turn left step onto right, step left 1/4 turn left (1/2 turn sailor)
&5-6rock right to right side, replace weight to left, cross right over left
7-8step back left, step right 1/4 turn right
S4: Cross, 1/4, 1/4, side, behind, 1/4 turn, shuffle fwd
1-2cross left over right, step right back 1/4 turn left
3-4turning 1/4 turn left step left slightly fwd, step right to right side
5-6step left behind right, step right 1/4 turn right
7&8shuffle fwd left, right left
S5: Cross, side, sailor heel, & cross side, behind, side, cross
1-2cross right over left, step left to left side
3&4&rock right behind left, step left to left side, touch right heel fwd, step onto right
5-6cross left over right, step right to right side
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
S6: Side rock & side rock & side rock, touch, unwind 1/2, touch
1-2rock right to right side, replace weight to left
&3&4close right to left, rock left to left side, replace weight to right, close left to right
&5rock right to right side, replace weight to left
6point right slightly over left
7-8unwind 1/2 turn left dipping slightly on the turn, taking weight onto right, touch left fwd
S7: Walk L, R, kick ball, rock step, turn, touch, side
1-2step fwd left, step fwd right
3&4kick left fwd, step onto ball of left, rock fwd right
5-6replace weight to left, step right 1/4 turn right to right side
7-8touch left beside right, step left to left side as you begin to drag right in
S8: Back rock, shuffle fwd, rock step, coaster step
1-2rock back right, replace weight to left
3&4shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6rock fwd left, replace weight to right
7&8step back left, close right to left, step fwd left
Note: You can triple turn the coaster step for a harder option.
Begin Again & enjoy!
michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie
Released at Dance Crazy's Wild Atlantic Weekend Event.
S1: Press, kick, coaster step, scuff, step, 1/4 turn, behind side cross
1-2crossing right over left press fwd onto right foot, recover onto left kicking right fwd
3&4&5step back right(3) close left to right(&) step fwd right(4) scuff left (&) Step onto left (5)
6on the ball of both feet turn 1/4 turn right bringing weight onto left
7&8step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
S2: Side rock, behind, side cross, step lock & press, recover
1-2rock left to left side, replace weight to right
3&4step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6&step right to right diagonal, lock step left behind right, step onto right
7-8press fwd onto left, recover onto right
S3: Back, back, sailor 1/2 turn, & side rock, cross, back, turn 1/4
1-2step back left, step back right
3&4rock back left, turning 1/4 turn left step onto right, step left 1/4 turn left (1/2 turn sailor)
&5-6rock right to right side, replace weight to left, cross right over left
7-8step back left, step right 1/4 turn right
S4: Cross, 1/4, 1/4, side, behind, 1/4 turn, shuffle fwd
1-2cross left over right, step right back 1/4 turn left
3-4turning 1/4 turn left step left slightly fwd, step right to right side
5-6step left behind right, step right 1/4 turn right
7&8shuffle fwd left, right left
S5: Cross, side, sailor heel, & cross side, behind, side, cross
1-2cross right over left, step left to left side
3&4&rock right behind left, step left to left side, touch right heel fwd, step onto right
5-6cross left over right, step right to right side
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
S6: Side rock & side rock & side rock, touch, unwind 1/2, touch
1-2rock right to right side, replace weight to left
&3&4close right to left, rock left to left side, replace weight to right, close left to right
&5rock right to right side, replace weight to left
6point right slightly over left
7-8unwind 1/2 turn left dipping slightly on the turn, taking weight onto right, touch left fwd
S7: Walk L, R, kick ball, rock step, turn, touch, side
1-2step fwd left, step fwd right
3&4kick left fwd, step onto ball of left, rock fwd right
5-6replace weight to left, step right 1/4 turn right to right side
7-8touch left beside right, step left to left side as you begin to drag right in
S8: Back rock, shuffle fwd, rock step, coaster step
1-2rock back right, replace weight to left
3&4shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6rock fwd left, replace weight to right
7&8step back left, close right to left, step fwd left
Note: You can triple turn the coaster step for a harder option.
Begin Again & enjoy!
michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie
Released at Dance Crazy's Wild Atlantic Weekend Event.