CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Muddy Waters

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Phrased Advanced
Darren Bailey (UK) - November 2017
Muddy Waters - LP
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Intro: 8 counts - Sequence: Tag, A, B, Tag, A, B, B-, ½ Tag, B, Tag to finish (3 counts)

A: 32 Counts B: 32 counts
Please use the video along side the step sheet to help with understanding the dance, as some of the counts are a little tricky…

Note: When dancing ½ Tag, count 8 should be a touch with the RF, ready to start B on the RF

TAG: 16 Counts
TS1: Side Hold (Raise Hands and lower head, Hands down and head up), Basic Nightclub to R, full pirouette turn
1-3Step RF to R (1), Hold (2-3)
Arms: With palms facing up and elbows bent, raise hands from your sides to shoulders and slowly making fists, whilst lowering head.
4Snap arms down to sides and head up.
5-6&Take a big step R with RF, Close LF next to RF, Cross RF over LF
7-8Make a ¼ turn L step forward on LF at the same time hitch up R knee starting to make a turn to the L, complete ¾ turn L and step RF to R side (8) (12:00)

TS2: Side Hold (Raise Hands and lower head, Hands down and head up), Basic Nightclub to R, full pirouette turn
1-8Repeat above counts.

Section A: 32 Counts
A1: L Sailor, Behind, ¼ turn L, Scuff, Press, Twist, Twist, Kick, Step back, Toe twist, Toe twist, Push
1&2&Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L side, Cross RF behind LF
3&a4Make a ¼ turn L stepping forward on LF, Scuff RF forward, Hitch up R knee, Press RF forward (9:00)
5&6&Twist R heel to R, Twist R heel to Centre, Kick RF forward, Step back on RF
7&8Twist L toe to R making a ¼ turn R, Twist R toe to R making a ¼ turn R, Push back onto LF (3:00)
Arms: Lift both hands to armpit level close to the shoulders palms facing forward (&), Extend arms as though pushing yourself backwards (8)

A2: Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, ¼ L, Close, Walk x2, Out, Rock, Recover, Push
1-2&Step back on RF and sweep LF from front to back, Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side
3&4Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side and Make a ¼ turn L, Close LF next to RF (12:00)
5-6&Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF, Step RF to R side
7&8Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF, Take a big step to the L with LF
Arms: Cross arms in front of shoulders (7), Bring hands to natural sides i.e. R to R side and L to L side at head level (&), Pull both hands away from the head to the sides at head level as if pulling something apart (8)

A3: Sweep, Cross, ¼ L, ¼ L, Hold/Arms, Sweep, Cross, Close, Sweep, Cross, Close
1-2&Step forward on RF and sweep LF back to front, Cross LF over RF, Make a ¼ turn L stepping back on RF (9:00)
3-4Make a ¼ turn L and step LF to L side making sure feet are shoulder width apart (3) (6:00)
Arms: Touch L hand to R shoulder palm facing out (3), Bring L hand across toward left shoulder—but not fully, just to left side of chin (&), Push L hand up L side of head (a), Bring L hand down to chin level and Push chin to R and look to R (4), Bring head and arm back to front to look forward (&)
The arms will be used on the lyrics “Ask you for mer-cy,” roughly on the count 3, &, a, 4, &
5-6&Step forward on RF and sweep LF from back to front, Cross LF over RF, Close RF next to LF
7-8&Step forward on LF and sweep RF from back to front, Cross RF over LF, Close LF next to RF

A4: ¼ L, Slow Push, 1¼ Volta Turn R, Rock to L Fwd Diagonal, Recover, Behind, Rock to R back Diagonal, Recover, ½ turn L
1-2&Make a ¼ turn L and step RF to R side (1) Facing palm out push R hand across body at shoulder level from R to L (2) (3:00), Recover weight back on LF (&)
3&a4&Make a ¼ turn R stepping RF forward (6:00), Step LF next to RF making a ¼ turn R (&), Make a ¼ turn R and cross RF over LF (a), Step LF next to RF making a ¼ turn R (4), make a ¼ turn R and cross RF over LF (&)
Note: the steps above (3&a4&) should be dance on the lyrics ‘See is the worst me’
5-6&Rock LF to L side/forward diagonal, Recover onto RF, Cross LF behind RF
7-8Rock RF to R side/back diagonal, Recover onto LF Making a ½ turn L (finish in a crossed position) (12:00)

Section B: 32 Counts
B1: ½ Diamond to R, Full turn with Sweep, Sweep
1-2&Step RF to R side, Make a 1/8 turn R and step forward on L, Step forward on RF (1:30)
3-4&Make a 1/8 turn R and take a big step to L with LF (3:00), Make a 1/8 turn R and step back on RF (4:30), Step back on L making 1/8 turn R (6:00)
5-6&Make a ¼ turn R and step forward on RF (9:00), Step forward on LF, Make a ½ turn Pivot R (3:00)
7-8&Make a ½ turn R closing LF next to RF at the same time sweep RF from back to front, Step back on RF and sweep LF from front to back, Cross LF behind RF (9:00)

B2: ½ Diamond to R, Full turn with Sweep, Sweep
1-2&Step RF to R side, Make a 1/8 turn R and step forward on L, Step forward on RF (10:30)
3-4&Make a 1/8 turn R and take a big step to L with LF (12:00), Make a 1/8 turn R and step back on RF (1:30), Step back on L making 1/8 turn R (3:00)
5-6&Make a ¼ turn R and step forward on RF (6:00), Step forward on LF, Make a ½ turn Pivot R (12:00)
7-8&Make a ½ turn R closing LF next to RF at the same time sweep RF from back to front, Step back on RF and sweep LF from front to back, Cross LF behind RF (6:00)

B3: Side, Cross rock, Recover, Full turn L, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, ½ turn L
1-2&Step RF to R side, Cross rock LF over RF, Recover onto RF
3&4Make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF, Make a ½ turn L and step back on RF, make a ¼ turn L and step LF to L side (6:00)
5-6&Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF
7&8Cross LF over RF, Make a ¼ L and step back on RF (3:00), Make a ¼ turn L and step LF to L side (12:00)
B- Restarts here

B4: Brush, Brush, Stomp, Heel grind, Snap, Walk x2 ¼, Run x 4 (½ Turn L)
1&2Turn to Face L diagonal (10:30) and Brush RF forward, Brush RF back, Make a slight turn to face front and step RF to R side
3&4Cross LF over RF using heel of LF, Make a ¼ turn L on heel of LF and step back on RF (9:00), Close LF next to RF and click fingers to each side of the body (Look R to front 12:00)
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF (6:00)
7&8&Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF, Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF (counts 7&8& should be danced making a semi circular turn L to face the front)
(Note: When finishing section B and going into the Tag again on count 1 of the tag take a step to the R with RF so that your feet are shoulder width apart)

Hope you enjoy the dance.
Live to Love; Dance to Express.

1 評論

Ytown January 29, 2018
Powerful dance. I love it!

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