Intro: 16 counts
Section 1: Forward, touch, back, touch, shuffle r, l, r, touch
1 - 4Step forward right, touch left next to right, step back left, touch right next to left
5 - 8Shuffle forward right, left, right, touch
Section 2: Forward, touch, back, touch, back shuffle, touch
9 - 12Step forward on left, touch right next to left, step back right, Touch left next to right
13 - 16Shuffle back left, right, left, touch ******* restart wall 7
Section 3: Slow Vaudeville
17 - 19Step right to right side, touch left heel in place, step left foot in place, step right to left
20 - 24Step left to left side, touch right heel in place, step right foot in place, step left to right
Section 4: Rocking Chair, jazz box ¼ turn right
25 - 28Step forward on right, recover on left, step back on right, recover on left
29 - 32Cross right over left, step back on left, turning ¼ right step right to right side, step left next to right (3 o’clock)
Restarts: Wall 7: after count 16 – back wall (6 o’clock)
Contact: Mail@susannemose.dk - www.susannemose.dk
Section 1: Forward, touch, back, touch, shuffle r, l, r, touch
1 - 4Step forward right, touch left next to right, step back left, touch right next to left
5 - 8Shuffle forward right, left, right, touch
Section 2: Forward, touch, back, touch, back shuffle, touch
9 - 12Step forward on left, touch right next to left, step back right, Touch left next to right
13 - 16Shuffle back left, right, left, touch ******* restart wall 7
Section 3: Slow Vaudeville
17 - 19Step right to right side, touch left heel in place, step left foot in place, step right to left
20 - 24Step left to left side, touch right heel in place, step right foot in place, step left to right
Section 4: Rocking Chair, jazz box ¼ turn right
25 - 28Step forward on right, recover on left, step back on right, recover on left
29 - 32Cross right over left, step back on left, turning ¼ right step right to right side, step left next to right (3 o’clock)
Restarts: Wall 7: after count 16 – back wall (6 o’clock)
Contact: Mail@susannemose.dk - www.susannemose.dk