Absolute Beginner
Steps fwd, brush, rock fwd, back, turn 1/4
1-3step fwd right, left right
4brush left fwd
5-6step left fwd, rock back on right
7-8step left back, turn ¼ right stepping right to the side
Step, touch, step touch, grapevine, hitch
1-2step left fwd, touch right beside left
3-4step right back, touch left beside right
5-7step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side
8hitch (lift right knee)
Start again
Contact: lucylove1945@gmail.com
1-3step fwd right, left right
4brush left fwd
5-6step left fwd, rock back on right
7-8step left back, turn ¼ right stepping right to the side
Step, touch, step touch, grapevine, hitch
1-2step left fwd, touch right beside left
3-4step right back, touch left beside right
5-7step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side
8hitch (lift right knee)
Start again
Contact: lucylove1945@gmail.com