Section 1: Right and Left strut; V steps (R out, L out, R in, L in)
1-4Step forward R toe, heel down, step forward L toe, heel down
5-8V steps: Forward R out, Left out, R back in centre, L back in next to R
Section 2: Shuffle back and swings R and L hips
1-4Shuffle backward:
5-8Swing hips R and L
Section 3: R heel out, touch, L Monterey, Kick ball change
1-2Step R heel out, R touch
3-4R side out and slide, L slide next to R and turn ¼ to 3 o’clock
5-6L Monterey: L side out point, L touch next to R
7 & 8Kick ball change: R forward kick, R ball (step R next to L), L change (step L in place)
Section 4: Right and Left lunges with arms styling
1 – 4Step R side out (bend knees and bring out to R side R arm) and the same with the L
5-8Repeat 1-4
Wall 9: Only 20 steps; dance ends on this wall with the Left side slide and turn (when music fades for 2 seconds)
Restart: Wall 10 facing 3 oclock
Contact: yumille62@hotmail.com
1-4Step forward R toe, heel down, step forward L toe, heel down
5-8V steps: Forward R out, Left out, R back in centre, L back in next to R
Section 2: Shuffle back and swings R and L hips
1-4Shuffle backward:
5-8Swing hips R and L
Section 3: R heel out, touch, L Monterey, Kick ball change
1-2Step R heel out, R touch
3-4R side out and slide, L slide next to R and turn ¼ to 3 o’clock
5-6L Monterey: L side out point, L touch next to R
7 & 8Kick ball change: R forward kick, R ball (step R next to L), L change (step L in place)
Section 4: Right and Left lunges with arms styling
1 – 4Step R side out (bend knees and bring out to R side R arm) and the same with the L
5-8Repeat 1-4
Wall 9: Only 20 steps; dance ends on this wall with the Left side slide and turn (when music fades for 2 seconds)
Restart: Wall 10 facing 3 oclock
Contact: yumille62@hotmail.com