CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wacky Tobaccy

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Cathy Hodgson (UK) - October 2017
Wacky Tobaccy - Toby Keith : (iTunes)
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32 count intro

Section 1: Chasse right, rock back, side toe strut, cross toe strut
1&2step right to right side, close left next to right, step right to right side
3-4rock diagonally back on left, recover weight onto right
5-8touch left toes to left side, drop heel, cross right toes over left, drop heel

Section 2: Chasse left, rock back, vine cross
1&2step left to left side, close right next to left, step left to left side
3-4rock diagonally back on right, recover weight onto left
5-8step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left across right
***Restart here, wall 3 (facing 6 o’clock)***

Section 3: Kick ball change, stomp, clap x 2
1&2kick right to right diagonal, place right back in place, step left foot forward
3-4stomp right foot forward, clap
5&6kick left forward, place left back in place, step right foot forward
7-8stomp left foot forward, clap

Section 4: Cross points, jazz box ¼ turn right
1-2cross right foot across left, point left out to the side
3-4cross left foot across right, point right out to the side
5-6cross right foot across left, step left foot back
7-8¼ turn right as stepping right to right side, cross left across right

Happy dancing, ciao for now!!!

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