Phrased Intermediate
Phrased: A, A,Tag 1, B,Tag 2, B-, A, A,Tag 1, B,Tag 2, B-, A-, B-,B
A= 40 T, Tag 1= 2T, B = 40 T, Tag 2= 8T, B- = 32 T, A- = 32T
A: 40 counts
1&2 -side shuffle right
3,4 -left foot rock behind, back
5,6 -¾ turn to the right
7&8 -left shuffle foreward [8]
1,2 -step right, turn ½ to left
3&4 -right shuffle turn ¼ to left
5,6 -left foot rock behind, back
7&8 -kick, ball, cross [16]
1,2 -side rock left, back
3&4 -sailor turn ½ to the left
5,6 -right foot slide to right
7,8 -touch behind left, stomp right [24]
1,2,3 -vine to left
4- scuff right and ¼ turn to left
5,6 -step right, turn ½ to left
7,8 -step right, turn ¼ to left [32]
At wall 9 restart here with “B”
1,2 -rocking chair right ahead
3,4 -rocking chair right back
5,6 -step right, turn ½ to left
7,8 -step right, turn ½ to left [40]
B: 40 counts
1,2&3&4& -vaudeville right
5,6&7&8& -vaudeville left [8]
1,2 -step right, turn ½ to left
3&4 -right cross shuffle
5,6 -step left, turn ½ to right
3&4 -left cross shuffle [16]
1,2 -rock step right, back
3&4 -wave to left
5,6 -rock step left, back
7&8 -wave to right [24]
1,2 -step right, turn ½ to left
3&4 -shuffle turn ½ to left
5&6 -coaster step
7,8 -step right, turn ½ to left [32]
At wall 4 and 8 Restart here with “A”
At wall 10 Restart here with “B”
1,2 -full turn to left
3&4 -right shuffle ahead
5,6 -rock step left, back
7&8 -left coaster cross [40]
TAG 1 at 2° and 6° wall add at the end:
1,2 -stomp right , hold
Then Restart with part “B”
TAG 2 at wall 3 and 7 add at the end:
1&2,3,4-side shuffle right, rock behind left
5&6,7,8-side shuffle left, rock behind right
Then Restart with part “B”
Contact: countryfreedom2014@gmail.com
A= 40 T, Tag 1= 2T, B = 40 T, Tag 2= 8T, B- = 32 T, A- = 32T
A: 40 counts
1&2 -side shuffle right
3,4 -left foot rock behind, back
5,6 -¾ turn to the right
7&8 -left shuffle foreward [8]
1,2 -step right, turn ½ to left
3&4 -right shuffle turn ¼ to left
5,6 -left foot rock behind, back
7&8 -kick, ball, cross [16]
1,2 -side rock left, back
3&4 -sailor turn ½ to the left
5,6 -right foot slide to right
7,8 -touch behind left, stomp right [24]
1,2,3 -vine to left
4- scuff right and ¼ turn to left
5,6 -step right, turn ½ to left
7,8 -step right, turn ¼ to left [32]
At wall 9 restart here with “B”
1,2 -rocking chair right ahead
3,4 -rocking chair right back
5,6 -step right, turn ½ to left
7,8 -step right, turn ½ to left [40]
B: 40 counts
1,2&3&4& -vaudeville right
5,6&7&8& -vaudeville left [8]
1,2 -step right, turn ½ to left
3&4 -right cross shuffle
5,6 -step left, turn ½ to right
3&4 -left cross shuffle [16]
1,2 -rock step right, back
3&4 -wave to left
5,6 -rock step left, back
7&8 -wave to right [24]
1,2 -step right, turn ½ to left
3&4 -shuffle turn ½ to left
5&6 -coaster step
7,8 -step right, turn ½ to left [32]
At wall 4 and 8 Restart here with “A”
At wall 10 Restart here with “B”
1,2 -full turn to left
3&4 -right shuffle ahead
5,6 -rock step left, back
7&8 -left coaster cross [40]
TAG 1 at 2° and 6° wall add at the end:
1,2 -stomp right , hold
Then Restart with part “B”
TAG 2 at wall 3 and 7 add at the end:
1&2,3,4-side shuffle right, rock behind left
5&6,7,8-side shuffle left, rock behind right
Then Restart with part “B”
Contact: countryfreedom2014@gmail.com