Improver waltz
Download music: Single downloads from iTunes or Amazon
Special thanks to my partner, Michele Burton, for suggesting the music and getting it all started.
Lead: 24 cts. - 2 *Restarts
[1-6] Forward Cross, Side, Return – Forward Cross, Side, Fall Back
1 - 3Step R to left forward diagonal; Step L side left; Return weight to R angling body to right diagonal (1:30)
4 - 6Step L forward to the right diagonal; Step R side right; Step L back angling body to left diagonal (10:30)
[7-12] (Still on Diagonal) Step Back & Drag (2 cts.) - Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left, Step Back
Note: All of these 6 steps face the 10:30 diagonal or the 4:30 diagonal
1 - 3Step R back while dragging L to R; Count 2 of drag; Count 3 of drag (10:30)
4 - 6Step L forward to left diagonal prepping for left turn; Turn ½ left stepping back on R; Step back on L (4:30)
[13-18] Waltz Coaster (back-together-forward) – Twinkle (forward, side, return)
1 - 3Step R back; Step L next to R; Step R forward (4:30)
4 - 6Step L forward; Step R side right (square up); Return weight to L ( 3 o’clock)
[19-24] Forward, Hesitation Kick – Back, Rock, Return
Note: Allow count 1 to open your body just slightly to the left diagonal (2:00) for all 6 counts
1 - 3Step R forward crossing slightly in front of L; Lift L leg towards left diagonal; Straighten lift or small kick (2:00)
4 - 6Step L back; Rock R side right; Return weight to L (body ready to weave left)
[25-30] Weave Left – 1/4 Left, Forward, 1/2 Left (over rotate just a bit)
1 - 3Step R in front of L; Step L side L (square up to 3 o’clock wall); Step R behind L
4 - 6Turn ¼ left stepping L forward; Step R forward (up a bit on the ball); Turn ½ left taking weight onto L (6:00)
Note: On the ½ turn (count 6) if you stay up on the toes and “fall” into you count 1 of the next set it feels pretty good
[31-36] Forward Press Return Side – Forward Press Return Side
1 - 3Step (press) R forward to left diag. in front of L; Return weight to L in place; Step R side right
4 - 6Step (press) L forward to right diag. in front of R; Return weight to R in place; Step L side left
Start wall 3 at 12 o’clock, dance 36 counts and then restart the dance on 6 o’clock wall from beginning.
Start wall 6 at 6 o’clock, dance 36 counts and then restart the dance on 12 o’clock wall from beginning.
[37-42] Twinkle – Twinkle 1/2 Turn Left
1 - 3Step R forward in front of L; Step L side left; Return weight to R opening to right diagonal
4 - 6Step (prep) L in front of R; Turn ¼ left stepping back on R; Turn ¼ left stepping L side left (12:00)
[43-48] Twinkle – Twinkle 1/2 Turn Left
1 - 3Step R forward in front of L; Step L side left; Return weight to R opening right diagonal
4 - 6Step (prep) L in front of R; Turn ¼ left stepping back on R; Turn ¼ left stepping L side left (6:00)
Begin Again
Ending: Dance ends on the front as you drag back. Kind of cool!
Contact: michaelbarr575@gmail.com / www.michaelandmichele.com
Special thanks to my partner, Michele Burton, for suggesting the music and getting it all started.
Lead: 24 cts. - 2 *Restarts
[1-6] Forward Cross, Side, Return – Forward Cross, Side, Fall Back
1 - 3Step R to left forward diagonal; Step L side left; Return weight to R angling body to right diagonal (1:30)
4 - 6Step L forward to the right diagonal; Step R side right; Step L back angling body to left diagonal (10:30)
[7-12] (Still on Diagonal) Step Back & Drag (2 cts.) - Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left, Step Back
Note: All of these 6 steps face the 10:30 diagonal or the 4:30 diagonal
1 - 3Step R back while dragging L to R; Count 2 of drag; Count 3 of drag (10:30)
4 - 6Step L forward to left diagonal prepping for left turn; Turn ½ left stepping back on R; Step back on L (4:30)
[13-18] Waltz Coaster (back-together-forward) – Twinkle (forward, side, return)
1 - 3Step R back; Step L next to R; Step R forward (4:30)
4 - 6Step L forward; Step R side right (square up); Return weight to L ( 3 o’clock)
[19-24] Forward, Hesitation Kick – Back, Rock, Return
Note: Allow count 1 to open your body just slightly to the left diagonal (2:00) for all 6 counts
1 - 3Step R forward crossing slightly in front of L; Lift L leg towards left diagonal; Straighten lift or small kick (2:00)
4 - 6Step L back; Rock R side right; Return weight to L (body ready to weave left)
[25-30] Weave Left – 1/4 Left, Forward, 1/2 Left (over rotate just a bit)
1 - 3Step R in front of L; Step L side L (square up to 3 o’clock wall); Step R behind L
4 - 6Turn ¼ left stepping L forward; Step R forward (up a bit on the ball); Turn ½ left taking weight onto L (6:00)
Note: On the ½ turn (count 6) if you stay up on the toes and “fall” into you count 1 of the next set it feels pretty good
[31-36] Forward Press Return Side – Forward Press Return Side
1 - 3Step (press) R forward to left diag. in front of L; Return weight to L in place; Step R side right
4 - 6Step (press) L forward to right diag. in front of R; Return weight to R in place; Step L side left
Start wall 3 at 12 o’clock, dance 36 counts and then restart the dance on 6 o’clock wall from beginning.
Start wall 6 at 6 o’clock, dance 36 counts and then restart the dance on 12 o’clock wall from beginning.
[37-42] Twinkle – Twinkle 1/2 Turn Left
1 - 3Step R forward in front of L; Step L side left; Return weight to R opening to right diagonal
4 - 6Step (prep) L in front of R; Turn ¼ left stepping back on R; Turn ¼ left stepping L side left (12:00)
[43-48] Twinkle – Twinkle 1/2 Turn Left
1 - 3Step R forward in front of L; Step L side left; Return weight to R opening right diagonal
4 - 6Step (prep) L in front of R; Turn ¼ left stepping back on R; Turn ¼ left stepping L side left (6:00)
Begin Again
Ending: Dance ends on the front as you drag back. Kind of cool!
Contact: michaelbarr575@gmail.com / www.michaelandmichele.com