Intro 32 counts
Rock Across Recover, Chassé ¼ R, Pivot ½ R, Shuffle Fwd
1-2RF rock across, LF recover
3&4RF step side, LF together, RF ¼ right step forward
5-6LF step forward, L+R ½ turn right
7&8LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward [9]
Cross Side, Sailor, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ L
1-2RF cross over, LF step side
3&4RF cross behind, LF step beside, RF step side
5-6LF cross over, RF step side
7&8LF ¼ left cross behind, RF step beside, LF step slightly forward [6]
Cross, Point (x2), Ball Fwd, Lock, Step Lock Step Fwd
1-4RF cross over, LF point left forward, LF cross behind, RF point side
&5-6RF step beside on ball foot, LF step forward, RF lock behind
7&8LF step forward, RF lock behind, LF step forward [6]
Pivot ¼ L, Cross Shuffle, Side, Touch, Ball Cross, Point
1-2RF step forward, L+R ¼ turn left
3&4RF cross over, LF step side, RF cross over
5-6LF step side, RF touch beside
&7-8RF step beside on ball foot, LF cross over, RF point side [3]
Start again
Restart: Dance the 6th wall up to and including count 16 (count 8 of the 2nd section) and start again
Rock Across Recover, Chassé ¼ R, Pivot ½ R, Shuffle Fwd
1-2RF rock across, LF recover
3&4RF step side, LF together, RF ¼ right step forward
5-6LF step forward, L+R ½ turn right
7&8LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward [9]
Cross Side, Sailor, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ L
1-2RF cross over, LF step side
3&4RF cross behind, LF step beside, RF step side
5-6LF cross over, RF step side
7&8LF ¼ left cross behind, RF step beside, LF step slightly forward [6]
Cross, Point (x2), Ball Fwd, Lock, Step Lock Step Fwd
1-4RF cross over, LF point left forward, LF cross behind, RF point side
&5-6RF step beside on ball foot, LF step forward, RF lock behind
7&8LF step forward, RF lock behind, LF step forward [6]
Pivot ¼ L, Cross Shuffle, Side, Touch, Ball Cross, Point
1-2RF step forward, L+R ¼ turn left
3&4RF cross over, LF step side, RF cross over
5-6LF step side, RF touch beside
&7-8RF step beside on ball foot, LF cross over, RF point side [3]
Start again
Restart: Dance the 6th wall up to and including count 16 (count 8 of the 2nd section) and start again