CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Danza Despacito

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Karianne Heimvik (NOR) - September 2017
Despacito (feat. Daddy Yankee) - Luis Fonsi
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** Dedicated to Mona **

Start when he says "go"

(1-8) R mambo, L mambo, lockstep fwd, turn 1/2
1&2Rock R to right side, recover on L, close R next to L
3&4Rock L to left side, recover on R, close L next to R
5&6Step fwd on R, close lock L behind R, step fwd on R
7, 8Step fwd on L turn 1/2 to right, recover weight on R

(9-16) turn 1/2 knee pops, knee pops, sailor step, side, toghether, side together
1, 2turn 1/2 step back on L while popping your R knee in front, step back on R while popping you L knee in front of you
3&4step L diagonally back to left, step R next to L, step L diagonally fwd slightly crossing R
5, 6step R to right, close L next to R
7&8step R to right, close L next to R, step R to right

(17-24) Vaudevilles, 1/4 turn, full turn
1&2&sweep L across R, Step R to right, L heel diagonally fwd towards left, Step L next to R
3&4&step R across L, step L to left, R heel diagonally fwd towards right, step R next to L
5&6&step L across R, step R to right, L heel diagonally fwd towards left as you turn 1/4 to left, step L next to R
7, 8turn 1/2 to left stepping back on R, Turn 1/2 to left stepping back on L

(25-32) R mambo, L mambo cross, full turn , mambo, s
1&2Rock R to right side, recover on L, close R next to L
3&4Rock L to left side, recover on R, step L across R
5, 6turn 1/4 stepping back on R, turn 1/2 stepping fwd L
7&8Turn 1/4 to Rock R to right side, recover on L, close R next to L

" Tag 1" : make the mambo on count 31& slower; rock R to right on "des" (31), recover on L on "pa" (&), close R next to L without stepping on it (32) as the rythm returns to normal on "cito"

"Tag 2": at the end of wall 6 add:
1,2cross R diagonally over L, turn 1/2 to left and recover weight on L
Start wall 7 on the 12 o'clock wall

Easier option is to go walk (R), walk (L) instead of a turn on count 23, 24:


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