Start dance on lyrics
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Heel Grind, Coaster Step
1&2R forward mambo
3&4L back mambo
5-6R ¼ heel grind to 3 (O’Clock)
7&8R coaster step
Weave, ½ Turn, ½ Turn, Sway, Sway
1&2&L foot L, R behind, L foot to the side, cross R in front of L
3&4&Step L ¼ turn (12 O’Clock), step R forward, ¼ pivot L, cross R over L (9 O’clock)
5-6¼ turn R stepping back on L, ¼ turn right ,stepping R foot forward
7-8Sway L, Sway R
Shuffle Back, Step Unwind, Side Mambo, Side Mambo Touch
1&2Shuffle back L,R,L
3-4Step R toe behind and unwind to the right
5&6L side mambo
7&8R side mambo touch (weight remains on L)
Triple ½, Rock Recover, Rock Recover, Coaster Step
1&2Triple ½ to the right R,L,R
3-4Rock forward on L, recover on R
5-6Rock L to the left, recover on R
7&8Left Coaster Step
TAG: *2 Count Tag on Wall 3 after first 6 counts, rock back on R, recover on L, Restart dance.
Contact: tpatterso12@yahoo.com
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Heel Grind, Coaster Step
1&2R forward mambo
3&4L back mambo
5-6R ¼ heel grind to 3 (O’Clock)
7&8R coaster step
Weave, ½ Turn, ½ Turn, Sway, Sway
1&2&L foot L, R behind, L foot to the side, cross R in front of L
3&4&Step L ¼ turn (12 O’Clock), step R forward, ¼ pivot L, cross R over L (9 O’clock)
5-6¼ turn R stepping back on L, ¼ turn right ,stepping R foot forward
7-8Sway L, Sway R
Shuffle Back, Step Unwind, Side Mambo, Side Mambo Touch
1&2Shuffle back L,R,L
3-4Step R toe behind and unwind to the right
5&6L side mambo
7&8R side mambo touch (weight remains on L)
Triple ½, Rock Recover, Rock Recover, Coaster Step
1&2Triple ½ to the right R,L,R
3-4Rock forward on L, recover on R
5-6Rock L to the left, recover on R
7&8Left Coaster Step
TAG: *2 Count Tag on Wall 3 after first 6 counts, rock back on R, recover on L, Restart dance.
Contact: tpatterso12@yahoo.com