Details: No Tags Or Restarts
Count in: 16 (after cherry bomb)
Section 1: Step right into right diagonal, cross left over right, right shuffle back, ½ left, left shuffle forward
1-2Step right to right side and cross left foot over right facing the diagonal (1:30)
3&4Step back on right foot, close left foot besides right, step back on right foot
5-6Turn over left shoulder making ½ turn stepping forward left, step forward right into the diagonal (7:30)
7&8Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
Section 2: Side rock right 1/8 left right ross shuffle, left side rock recover, left sailor step ¼ left
1-2Step right to right side and as recover weight on to left foot straighten up making 1/8 left
3&4Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
5-6Rock side on left foot, rocking back onto right foot
7&8Step left foot behind right foot, step right to right side, step left foot in place making ¼ left
Section 3: Pivot ½ left, shuffle half turn left, rock back recover, left kick and point
1-2Step forward on right and make ½ turn left putting weight on left
3&4Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot (2) making ½ left
5-6Rock back on left foot, recover back onto right foot
7&8Kick left foot forward, step left in place, quickly step right point out to right side
Section 4: Walk forward right left, toe switches right and left, walk forward left right, left kickball touch making a ¼ right
1-2Walk forward right left
3&4Touch right toe side, step right foot to place, touch left toe to side
5-6Walk forward left right
7&8Kick left foot forward, step left in place, quickly step right touch down making ¼ turn right
Ending – Facing the fount dance up to section 1 –
Cross left over right and shuffle back right, 1/8 turn left stepping left to left side and hold
1-2Step right to right side and cross left foot over right facing the diagonal (1:30)
3&4Step back on right foot, close left foot besides right, step back on right foot
5-6Straiten to the front stepping left foot to left side and touch right next to left
Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk
Count in: 16 (after cherry bomb)
Section 1: Step right into right diagonal, cross left over right, right shuffle back, ½ left, left shuffle forward
1-2Step right to right side and cross left foot over right facing the diagonal (1:30)
3&4Step back on right foot, close left foot besides right, step back on right foot
5-6Turn over left shoulder making ½ turn stepping forward left, step forward right into the diagonal (7:30)
7&8Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
Section 2: Side rock right 1/8 left right ross shuffle, left side rock recover, left sailor step ¼ left
1-2Step right to right side and as recover weight on to left foot straighten up making 1/8 left
3&4Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
5-6Rock side on left foot, rocking back onto right foot
7&8Step left foot behind right foot, step right to right side, step left foot in place making ¼ left
Section 3: Pivot ½ left, shuffle half turn left, rock back recover, left kick and point
1-2Step forward on right and make ½ turn left putting weight on left
3&4Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot (2) making ½ left
5-6Rock back on left foot, recover back onto right foot
7&8Kick left foot forward, step left in place, quickly step right point out to right side
Section 4: Walk forward right left, toe switches right and left, walk forward left right, left kickball touch making a ¼ right
1-2Walk forward right left
3&4Touch right toe side, step right foot to place, touch left toe to side
5-6Walk forward left right
7&8Kick left foot forward, step left in place, quickly step right touch down making ¼ turn right
Ending – Facing the fount dance up to section 1 –
Cross left over right and shuffle back right, 1/8 turn left stepping left to left side and hold
1-2Step right to right side and cross left foot over right facing the diagonal (1:30)
3&4Step back on right foot, close left foot besides right, step back on right foot
5-6Straiten to the front stepping left foot to left side and touch right next to left
Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk