High Improver
Restart during 3rd rotation after 20 counts (do first 4 cts. Of weave to right then Restart dance).
Shuffle. Rock Recover, Full Turn, Shuffle
1&2Right Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right.
3,4Rock forward on left, recover on right.
5,6Full Turn to left stepping back on left and forward on right.
7&8Triple in place stepping left, right, left.
Lindy Right and Left
1&2Right side shuffle stepping right, left, right.
3-4Rock back on left, recover on right.
5&6Left side shuffle stepping left, right, left.
7-8Rock back on right, recover on left.
Weave to Right with Side Rock, Behind and Turn.
1,2,3,4Step right to side, step left behind, right to side, left cross over right.
(Restart occurs during third rotation (wall) of dance and happens facing 12:00)
5,6Rock out to right side on right foot, recover on left.
7&8Cross right foot behind, step out to left on left while making ¼ turn to left, and step forward on right foot.
Rock recover, Coaster Step, Toe Struts Right and Left.
1,2Rock forward on left foot, recover on right.
3&4Coaster step left stepping back on left, then right, and step forward on left.
5,6Step right toe forward, drop right heel.
7,8Step left toe forward, drop left heel.
Contact: linedancerjb@live.com
Shuffle. Rock Recover, Full Turn, Shuffle
1&2Right Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right.
3,4Rock forward on left, recover on right.
5,6Full Turn to left stepping back on left and forward on right.
7&8Triple in place stepping left, right, left.
Lindy Right and Left
1&2Right side shuffle stepping right, left, right.
3-4Rock back on left, recover on right.
5&6Left side shuffle stepping left, right, left.
7-8Rock back on right, recover on left.
Weave to Right with Side Rock, Behind and Turn.
1,2,3,4Step right to side, step left behind, right to side, left cross over right.
(Restart occurs during third rotation (wall) of dance and happens facing 12:00)
5,6Rock out to right side on right foot, recover on left.
7&8Cross right foot behind, step out to left on left while making ¼ turn to left, and step forward on right foot.
Rock recover, Coaster Step, Toe Struts Right and Left.
1,2Rock forward on left foot, recover on right.
3&4Coaster step left stepping back on left, then right, and step forward on left.
5,6Step right toe forward, drop right heel.
7,8Step left toe forward, drop left heel.
Contact: linedancerjb@live.com