#16 count intro (on lyrics) (One Tag And One Restart)
S1: Step rock recover, step behind turn 1/4 L, walk walk, rock recover back
1-2&Step R big step to right, rock L behind R, recover R
3-4&Step L to left side, step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd - 9:00
5-6Walk R, walk L
7&8Rock R fwd, recover L, step R back
S2: Sweep/step, sweep/step, sweep sailor turn 1/4 L, skate skate, shuffle
1-2Sweep/step L back, sweep/step R back
3&4Sweep turn 1/4 L step L behind R, step R to right side, step L slightly fwd - 6:00
5-6Skate R, skate L
7&8Shuffle fwd R, L, R
S3: Turn 1/2 R, turn 1/2 R, step side rock, cross back & cross back
1-2Turn 1/2 right step L back, turn 1/2 right step R fwd
3&4Step L fwd, rock R to right side, recover L
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
&7-8Step R back, cross L over R, step R back
S4: Coaster cross, turn 1/4 L, turn 1/4 L, shuffle fwd, rock recover back
1&2Step L back, step R beside L, cross L over R
3-4Turn 1/4 left step R back, turn 1/4 left step L to left side - 12:00
5&6Shuffle fwd R, L, R
7&8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back
S5: Sweep/behind side cross, rock recover, cross & cross, turn 1/4 L turn 1/4 L touch
1&2Sweep/step R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L
3-4Rock L to left side, recover R
5&6Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
7&8Turn 1/4 left step R back, turn 1/4 left step L to left side, touch R beside L - 6:00
***Restart here on Wall 2 facing 12:00
S6: Step pivot 1/2 R, turn 1/2 R shuffle, kick ball point, drag touch
1-2Step R fwd, turn 1/2 right step L back
3&4Turn 1/2 right shuffle fwd R, L, R
5&6Kick L fwd, step ball of L beside R, point R to right side
7-8Drag R to L, touch R beside L
One Tag at end of Wall 4 (facing 12:00):
1-4Rock R to right side, recover L, rock R back, recover L
One Restart: Wall 2 - dance 40 counts (thru S5) and Restart from beginning (facing 12:00)
Contact: jrdancing@bellsouth.net
S1: Step rock recover, step behind turn 1/4 L, walk walk, rock recover back
1-2&Step R big step to right, rock L behind R, recover R
3-4&Step L to left side, step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd - 9:00
5-6Walk R, walk L
7&8Rock R fwd, recover L, step R back
S2: Sweep/step, sweep/step, sweep sailor turn 1/4 L, skate skate, shuffle
1-2Sweep/step L back, sweep/step R back
3&4Sweep turn 1/4 L step L behind R, step R to right side, step L slightly fwd - 6:00
5-6Skate R, skate L
7&8Shuffle fwd R, L, R
S3: Turn 1/2 R, turn 1/2 R, step side rock, cross back & cross back
1-2Turn 1/2 right step L back, turn 1/2 right step R fwd
3&4Step L fwd, rock R to right side, recover L
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
&7-8Step R back, cross L over R, step R back
S4: Coaster cross, turn 1/4 L, turn 1/4 L, shuffle fwd, rock recover back
1&2Step L back, step R beside L, cross L over R
3-4Turn 1/4 left step R back, turn 1/4 left step L to left side - 12:00
5&6Shuffle fwd R, L, R
7&8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back
S5: Sweep/behind side cross, rock recover, cross & cross, turn 1/4 L turn 1/4 L touch
1&2Sweep/step R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L
3-4Rock L to left side, recover R
5&6Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
7&8Turn 1/4 left step R back, turn 1/4 left step L to left side, touch R beside L - 6:00
***Restart here on Wall 2 facing 12:00
S6: Step pivot 1/2 R, turn 1/2 R shuffle, kick ball point, drag touch
1-2Step R fwd, turn 1/2 right step L back
3&4Turn 1/2 right shuffle fwd R, L, R
5&6Kick L fwd, step ball of L beside R, point R to right side
7-8Drag R to L, touch R beside L
One Tag at end of Wall 4 (facing 12:00):
1-4Rock R to right side, recover L, rock R back, recover L
One Restart: Wall 2 - dance 40 counts (thru S5) and Restart from beginning (facing 12:00)
Contact: jrdancing@bellsouth.net