Partner 2Step Waltz
Or any fast waltz
Start in Skaters position Leader on the inside facing LOD Rt hand around partners waist over partners Lt hand around leaders waist PARTNER ON THE OPPOSITE FOOT
( key to steps Fwd= forward Bk=Back Lt=Left Rt=Right T=Touch H=Hold )
sec 1 .
1-6slow walk Lt- then Rt - waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3
sec 2.
1-6slow walk Lt-then Rt -Waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3.
sec 3.
1-6slow cross Lt- then walk Rt- waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3.
( bring your partner across to your Lt side as partner crosses Rt dia & pivots a 1/2 turn Lt to come onto your left side catch her with lt hand around waist then continue Fwd)
sec 4 bring your partner across to your Rt side
1-6Slow Lt in place-then cross Rt. waltz Lt 2 3 - then Rt 2 3
( catch with Rt hand on partners back this time)
sec 5. shorten your steps as you lead your partner 1/2 turn to her Lt into closed
1-6Slow Lt-Slow Rt (now in Closed) waltz Fwd Lt 2 3 -Fwd Rt 2 3.
sec 6. continue fwd
1-6Slow Lt-slow Rt - Fwd Rt 2 3 -Fwd Lt 2 3
sec 7. leader make a 1/2 turn RT
1-6Slow Lt-Slow 1/2 turn Rt- waltz Bk Lt 2 3 -Waltz Bk Rt 2 3 .
sec 8. leader make a 1/2 turn Lt (lady no turn)
1-6) slow Lt-1/2 Turn Lt -Waltz Fwd Lt 2 3-waltz Fwd Rt 2 3 .
resume arms around the waist as you start over !
John Sandham sandham454@btinternet.com
Facebook Costa Blanca Line Dance
Start in Skaters position Leader on the inside facing LOD Rt hand around partners waist over partners Lt hand around leaders waist PARTNER ON THE OPPOSITE FOOT
( key to steps Fwd= forward Bk=Back Lt=Left Rt=Right T=Touch H=Hold )
sec 1 .
1-6slow walk Lt- then Rt - waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3
sec 2.
1-6slow walk Lt-then Rt -Waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3.
sec 3.
1-6slow cross Lt- then walk Rt- waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3.
( bring your partner across to your Lt side as partner crosses Rt dia & pivots a 1/2 turn Lt to come onto your left side catch her with lt hand around waist then continue Fwd)
sec 4 bring your partner across to your Rt side
1-6Slow Lt in place-then cross Rt. waltz Lt 2 3 - then Rt 2 3
( catch with Rt hand on partners back this time)
sec 5. shorten your steps as you lead your partner 1/2 turn to her Lt into closed
1-6Slow Lt-Slow Rt (now in Closed) waltz Fwd Lt 2 3 -Fwd Rt 2 3.
sec 6. continue fwd
1-6Slow Lt-slow Rt - Fwd Rt 2 3 -Fwd Lt 2 3
sec 7. leader make a 1/2 turn RT
1-6Slow Lt-Slow 1/2 turn Rt- waltz Bk Lt 2 3 -Waltz Bk Rt 2 3 .
sec 8. leader make a 1/2 turn Lt (lady no turn)
1-6) slow Lt-1/2 Turn Lt -Waltz Fwd Lt 2 3-waltz Fwd Rt 2 3 .
resume arms around the waist as you start over !
John Sandham sandham454@btinternet.com
Facebook Costa Blanca Line Dance