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Come On Baby

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High Intermediate
Jamie Barnfield (UK) & Karl-Harry Winson (UK) - July 2017
Last Dance - Donna Summer : (Album: On The Radio: Greatest Hits... - 4:56)
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Intro: 16 counts
*Introduction: Dance the following 16 Counts 4 Times to bring you back to the 12.00 Wall.

Cross. Sweep. Weave Right. Sweep. Weave Left. Forward Rock. 1/2 Turn. Step 1/4 Turn.
1-2&Cross Right over Left sweeping Left from back to front. Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Right side.
3,4&Cross Left behind Right sweeping Right from front to back. Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side.
5,6&Cross step Right over Left stepping slightly forward. Rock forward on Left. Recover weight on Right.
7,8&Turn 1/2 Left stepping Left forward (6.00). Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/4 turn Left (3.00).

Cross. Left Scissor Step. Hinge Turn Left. Recover. Ball-Cross. Recover. Ball-Cross.
1Cross Right over Left.
2&3Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Cross step Left over Right.
4&5Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left stepping Left out to Left side. Cross Rock Right over Left.
6&7Recover weight on Left. Step Right to Right side. Cross Rock Left over Right.
8&(1) Recover weight on Right. Step Left to Left side. (Cross Right over Left). (3.00).

**Bridge: The following 4 Counts happens once on the 12.00 Wall (after the introduction)
Cross. Unwind Full Turn Left.
1 – 4Cross Right over Left. Unwind full turn over Left Shoulder for 3 Counts (weight ends on Left).

***Main Dance:
Right Shuffle. Step. 1/2 Turn Right. Left Shuffle. Step 1/2 Turn Left.
1&2Step Right forward. Close Left beside Right. Step forward on Right.
3 – 4Step Left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn Right.
5&6Step Left forward. Close Right beside Left. Step forward on Left.
7 – 8Step Right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn Left (12.00)

1/4 Turn Point. 1/4 Turn Point. 1/4 Turn Left. Pivot 1/4 Turn Left X2.
1 – 2Turn 1/4 Left pointing Right toe out to Right side (9.00). Turn 1/4 Right putting weight on Right (12.00).
3 – 4Turn 1/4 Right pointing Left toe out to Left side (3.00). Turn 1/4 Left putting weight on Left (12.00)
5 - 6Step Forward on Right, Pivot 1/4 Left (9:00).
7 – 8Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/4 turn Left (6.00).

Cross Side Sailor 1/2 turn left, Side, hold. Ball-side. Touch
1 - 2Cross Right over Left. Step Left to Left side.
3&4Step Right behind Left turning 1/4 Right. Step Left next to Right. Turn 1/4 Right crossing Right over Left. (12:00)
5 - 6Step Left out to Left side. Hold.
&7-8Step Right beside Left. Step Left to Left side. Touch Right beside Left. (12.00)

Grapevine 1/4 Turn. Step. Pivot 1/4 Turn. Ball-Side. Cross. Point.
1 - 3Step Right to Right Side. Cross Left behind Right. Turn 1/4 Right stepping Right forward. (3:00)
4 - 5Step Left forward. Pivot 1/4 turn Right (6:00).
&6Step Left beside Right. Set Right out to Right side.
7-8Cross Left over Right. Point Right toe out to Right side. (6:00)
*** Restart Here on Wall 1 (Facing 6:00)

Right Samba Step. Cross. Point. Jazz Box 1/4 Cross.
1&2Cross Right over Left stepping slightly forward. Rock Left to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
3 - 4Cross Left over Right, Point Right toe out to Right side.
5 – 6Cross Right over Left. Turn 1/4 Right stepping back on left. (9:00).
7 - 8Step Right to Right side. Cross step Left over Right

Skate. Touch. Left Diagonal Shuffle. X2
1 – 2Skate Right foot to Right diagonal. Touch Left toe beside Right.
3&4Step Left to Left diagonal. Close Right beside Left. Step Left forward to Left diagonal. (7:30)
5 – 6Skate Right foot to Right diagonal. Touch Left toe beside Right.
7&8Step Left to Left diagonal. Close Right beside Left. Step Left forward to Left. (7:30)

Ball Step. Step 1/4 Turn Right. Behind Side Cross. X2
&1-2Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left (7:30). Step back on Right turning 1/4 Right (10:30).
3&4Cross Left behind Right straightening up to 12.00 wall. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left. over Right turning 1/8 to Right diagonal (2:30).
&5-6Step Right besides Left. Step forward on Left (2:30). Step back on Right turning 1/4 Right (4:30).
7&8Cross Left behind Right straightening up to 6.00 wall. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left. over Right (6:00).

Rocking Chair. Step. Pivot 1/2 Turn. Step. Pivot 1/4 Turn.
1 – 4Rock Right forward. Recover weight on Left. Rock back on Right. Recover weight on Left.
5 – 8Step Right forward. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left (3:00). Step Right forward. Pivot 1/4 Turn Left (9:00).

Start Main Dance Again!

Tag: The Following 4 Count Tag Happens at the end of Wall 4 Facing 9.00 Wall. - V-Step.
1 – 4Step Forward and Out on Right. Step Out on Left. 3 – 4 Step back and in on Right. Step Left beside Right.

ENDING: Start on Wall 8 (facing 12.00)
Dance Counts 1 – 24 as normal (up until the Step. Hold. Ball-Step. Touch) then add a Right Rolling Vine.
1 – 2Turn 1/4 Right stepping Right forward. Turn 1/2 Right stepping Left Back.
3 – 4Turn 1/4 Right stepping Right to Right side. Touch Left beside Right.
5Stomp Left foot out to Left side for BIG FINISH!!

4 評論

Stokies July 15, 2017
Yes watching Jamie's demo video it speaks volumes at the close, you could feel the energy from the dancers they loved it and so did I.
I am going to break it down and dance it. 5 min plus track gotta know if it holds my attention Think it might after all its Donna Summer Think you might have got this spot on Thank You Jamie and Karl.

Victoria xx

Boogie Shoes July 17, 2017
Thank you Victoria. xx (Jamie)

OLDSALTY July 18, 2017
Wow DONNA SUMMER classic from her greatest hits .

JAMIE and KARL you nailed it so much energy LOVE LOVE your dance and you kept it real.


Dancindizzy September 21, 2017
First class choreography, high energy dance to classic Donna Summer. All works beautifully, love it.

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