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Charleston 2X
1,2,3,4Step Rt forward Kick lft, step back Lft, point Rt back
Shuffle fwd, Chase 1/2 turn, point together point, behind side cross
1&2 3&4Shuffle forward R,L,R Step forward lft, 1/2 turn onto Rt, step forward on lft
5&6 7&8Point Rt to Rt, return together, point Rt to Rt, step Rt behind Lft, step Lft to side, cross rt over lft
Point together point, behind side forward, shuffle forward, chase 1/2 turn
1&2 3&4Point Lft to Lft, return together, point lft to lft, step lft behind Rt, step Rt to side, step fwd on Lft
5&6 7&8Shuffle fwd R,L,R Fwd on Lft, 1/2 turn onto Rt, step fwd with Lft
Step Clap R,L Shuffle Rt with 1/4 turn, mambo step, step back R,L touch Rt beside Lft
1&2 3&4Step Rt to Rt touch lft beside and clap repeat with Lft, side shuffle 1/4 turn
5&6&7&8Press Lft forward, recover to Rt, step back on Lft,quick kick with Rt, step back R,L and touch Rt together
Charleston 2X
1,2,3,4Step Rt forward Kick lft, step back Lft, point Rt back
Shuffle fwd, Chase 1/2 turn, point together point, behind side cross
1&2 3&4Shuffle forward R,L,R Step forward lft, 1/2 turn onto Rt, step forward on lft
5&6 7&8Point Rt to Rt, return together, point Rt to Rt, step Rt behind Lft, step Lft to side, cross rt over lft
Point together point, behind side forward, shuffle forward, chase 1/2 turn
1&2 3&4Point Lft to Lft, return together, point lft to lft, step lft behind Rt, step Rt to side, step fwd on Lft
5&6 7&8Shuffle fwd R,L,R Fwd on Lft, 1/2 turn onto Rt, step fwd with Lft
Step Clap R,L Shuffle Rt with 1/4 turn, mambo step, step back R,L touch Rt beside Lft
1&2 3&4Step Rt to Rt touch lft beside and clap repeat with Lft, side shuffle 1/4 turn
5&6&7&8Press Lft forward, recover to Rt, step back on Lft,quick kick with Rt, step back R,L and touch Rt together