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Lucky for You

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Brenda Shatto (USA) - June 2017
That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars
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Note: Phrasing AAB AAB AA-short B starting at count 33
There are many sections which repeat and many holds, so it’s not as difficult as it may seem looking at the numerous counts.
See video for styling and variations not on this sheet.

Intro: 8 counts/ ~3 seconds on the word “condo.” Start with weight on left.

A: 32 counts (Always done twice in a row, once starting at 12:00 and once at 6:00)
A[1-16] R side rock, replace, R cross, back L, ¼ turn right step R to right, L cross forward , repeat
1-4Rock R to right(1), replace weight on L(2), cross R over L rolling to toe(3-4),
5-8Step L back to left diagonal(5), ¼ turn right step R to right(6), step L forward and across R(7-8) [3:00]
1-4Rock R to right(1), replace weight on L(2), cross R over L rolling to toe(3-4),
5-8Step L back to left diagonal(5), ¼ turn right step R to right(6), step L forward and across R(7-8) [6:00]

A[17-24] Walk R, drag-touch, walk L, drag-touch, ½ R walk slow, full turn right
1-3¼ right walk forward R(1), drag L and touch next to R(2), walk forward L(3) [9:00]
4-6Drag R and touch next to L, prepare for ½ turn right(4), ½ turn right slow walk R(5-6) [3:00]
&7,8½ turn right step L back(&), ½ turn right bring R next to L turn on both feet, weight ends R(7-8)* [3:00]
* No turn option: small step forward L(&), small step forward R(7-8)

A[25-32] Walk L, drag-touch, walk R, drag-touch, ½ L walk slow, 1¼ turn left
1-3Walk forward L (1), drag R and touch next to L(2), walk forward R(3) [3:00]
4-6Drag L and touch next to R, prepare for ½ turn left(4), ½ turn left slow walk L(5-6) [9:00]
&7,8½ turn L step R back(&) ½ turn left bring L to R turn on both feet(7)*, ¼ turn left on L(8)** [6:00]
*No turn option: small step forward R(&), small step forward L(7)
**On 3rd A do 3 small jumps on counts &8& (during ¼ turn left headed to 6:00) to hit the fast beats in the music. Jumps are optional but fun!

B: 96 counts (Starts and finishes at 12:00)
B[1-8] Small jump to right, heel bounce x2, jazz box
1,2,3,4Small jump to right, feet together, face left diagonal(1-2), bounce heels x2, weight ends L(3-4) [11:00]
5,6,7,8Cross R over L(5), Step L back(6), step R to right, squaring up to 12:00(7), cross L over R(8) [12:00]

B[9-16] R slow side rock, weave toward left
1-4Rock R to right(1-2), replace weight L(3), cross R over L(4) [12:00]
5-8Step L to left(5), cross R behind L(6),step L to left(7), cross R over L(8)

B[17-24] L slow side rock, weave toward right end stepping forward
1-4Rock L to left(1-2), replace weight R(3), cross L over R(4) [12:00]
5-8Step R to right(5), cross L behind R(6), step R to right(7), step L forward(8)

B[25-32] Side R, ¼ pivot L tap, ¼ left forward, tap, ¼ left step R back, ¼ left step L out
1,2,3Step R to right(1), turn ¼ left on R and tap L near R(2), turn ¼ left step L forward(3) [6:00]
4&5Tap R near L(4), ¼ turn left, step R back-face 3:00(&), ¼ turn left, push off R large step L to L(5) [12:00]
6,7,8Slowly drag R next to L, weight stays L(6-7-8)

B[*33-45] Big step R +arm motions, side L, R together, knee pop, side R, L together, knee pop, side L
Arm motions: Hands up in front of shoulders with palms out and arms extended like you’re admiring your jewelry, swerve handsdown right-left, lyrics say “shin-ing-so-” (1-2-3) , On “bright,” do a quick DAB: extend R arm up and out to right, left arm bent atelbow with palm down and hand chin height, pop chest forward (4), Bring arms quickly down (&5)
1-5Step R to right(1-2-3), collect L next to R, weight stays R (4), hold (5) [12:00]
6,7,8Step L to left “straw-”(6), step R next to L and snap fingers “-berr-”(7), pop knees forward “-y” (8) .
1-5Step R to right “cham-”(1), step L next to R “-pagne”(2), pop knees forward and snap fingers “on”(3), step L to left on “ice”(4), hold(5)

B[46-53] R sailor, hold, L sailor, hold, ball-step, hold
&6&7Cross R behind L(&), step L to left(6), step R to right(&), hold(7) “lucky for you” [12:00]
8&1,2Cross L behind R(8), step R to right(&), step L to left(1), hold(2) “what I like”
&3,4,5Step R next to L(&), step L to left(3), hold(4-5) “I like”

B[54-64] R Sailor, L sailor end on balls of feet, ball-cross, out-out, ¼ turn left with fast, tiny steps
&6&7Cross R behind L(&), step L to left(6), step R to right(&), hold(7) “lucky for you” [12:00]
8&1,2Cross L behind R(8), step on ball of R to right(&), step on ball of L to left(1), hold(2) “what I like”
&3&4Step R in place(&), cross L over R(3), step R out to right(&), step L out to left(4) “that’s what I like”
5-8 9fast steps starting with R, move forward and turn ¼ left, End with weight on R. Counts are approximately 5&a6&a7&8. Don’t worry about how many steps, just end with L foot free! [9:00]

B[65-77] ¼ Left forward LRL, ¼ left forward RLR, ¼ left forward LRL, R side, hold
The next 13 counts make a large ¾ circle to left ending at 12:00.
1-4Gradual ¼ turn left step L forward(1), R next to L(2), L forward (3), hold(4) [6:00]
5-8Gradual ¼ turn left step R forward(5), L next to R(6), R forward(7), hold(8) [3:00]
1-5Gradual ¼ turn left step L forward(1), R next to L(2), L forward(3), step R out to R(4), hold(5) [12:00]

B[78-85] L sailor, hold, R sailor, hold, ball-step, hold-hold
&6&7Cross L behind R(&), step R to right(6), step L to left(&), hold(7) “lucky for you” [12:00]
8&1,2Cross R behind L(8), step L to left(&), step R to right(1), hold(2) “what I like”
&3,4,5Step L next to R(&), step R to right(3), hold(4-5) “I like”

B[86-96] L sailor, R sailor end on balls of feet, ball-cross, out-out, cross L unwind slowly right full turn
&6&7Cross L behind R(&), step R to right(6), step L to left(&), hold(7) “lucky for you” [12:00]
8&1,2Cross R behind L(8), step on ball of L to left(&), step on ball of R to right(1), hold(2) “what I like”
&3&4Step L in place(&), cross R over L(3), step L out to left(&), step R out to right(4) “that’s what I like”
5-8Touch ball of L behind R(5), unwind slowly left full turn, end weight L(6-7-8) */** [12:00]
* No turn option: [Use small steps] Hook L behind R(5), R to right(6), Cross L over R(7-8)
**On 3rd (final) B, song ends on counts 5& with 2 strong, quick beats. Step L to left (5) and strike a pose(&)!!

Teaching Tips :
★ You will dance on the lyrics often in Part B. Play the music during lessons (or sing it!) as the steps
match the lyrics. Some students will find the lyrics easier to learn with than the counts.
★ First B starts in music at :32 seconds, second B at 1:43, third B (shorter) starts at 2:55.

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in
its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions.


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