CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
David Ackerman (USA) - April 2017
Rooftop - Skylar Stecker
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Sequence: AB AC AB AC AA CC

Intro: 16 counts

A1 [1-8] Side R, Behind-Side, Drop and Pop, Forward Rock R, R Coaster Step
1,2&3,4Step R to right side, Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Make a ⅛ of a turn touching L forward and you bend both knees (1:30), Straighten legs pushing weight to L to pop back up
5,6,Rock R forward, Recover weight L, Step R back
7&8Step L next to R, Step L forward

A2 [9-16] Forward L, ⅞ Pivot, Slide L, Drag R, Cross, ¼ Turn, R Coaster
1,2Step L forward, Pivot a ⅞ turn right bringing weight to R (12:00)
3,4Step a large step L to left side, Drag R foot in
5,6Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L back (3:00)
7&8Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward

A3 [17-24] Press with Shoulder Pops LR, ¾ Walk Around
1&2&Press L forward slight split weight, Push the L shoulder up, Drop the L shoulder down, Step L next to R
3&4&Press R forward slight split weight, Push the R shoulder up, Drop the R shoulder down, Step R next to L
5,6Step L forward, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R forward (12:00)
7,8Make a ¼ turn left stepping L forward (9:00), Make a ¼ turn left stepping R forward (6:00)

A4 [25-32] Forward Rock L, Back L with Body Roll, Kick-Out-Out, Hip Swing
1,2Rock L forward, Recover weight R
3-4Body roll down as you bring your left foot back to sit in your left hip. As you do this your R heel should lift up.
5&6Kick R low, Step R to right side, Step L to left side
7-8On 7 push hips R and swing your hips clockwise back and around to end weight on L for 8.

B1 [1-8] ¼ Turn with Sweep, Cross, Back, ¼ Turn, Cross, ¼ Turn with Sweep, Cross Back, ¼ Turn, Cross
1,2Make a ¼ turn right stepping R forward (9:00), Sweep L from back to front
3&4&Cross L over R, Step R back, Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to left side, Cross R over L (6:00)
5,6Make a ¼ turn left stepping L forward (3:00), Sweep R from back to front
7&8&Cross R over L, Step L back, Make a ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Cross L over R (6:00)

B2 [9-16] Side Rock Cross RL, Side, Back, Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back, Side
1&2Rock R to right side, Recover weight L, Cross R over L
3&4Rock L to left side, Recover weight R, Cross L over R
5&6&Step R to right side, Step L back, Cross R over L, Step L back
7&8&Step R back, Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to side

B3 [17-20] Body Roll, Hip Roll
1-2Start the body roll from head bringing it down to the hips over 2 counts.
3-4Once the body roll gets to the hips push hips right and swing hips clockwise to bring weight back to L. (Counts 1-4 should be a fluid motion).

C1 [1-8] C Bumps Side R x2, Tap, Press, Tap, Side
1&2&Push hips R keeping the R heel up, Return hips to neutral, Push hips R with the heel down, Return hips to neutral bringing weight to R
3&4&Repeat the previous 2 counts
5,6Tap R next to L, Press R forward
7,8Tap R next to L, Step R to right side
Optional styling for C5-8: You are going to move your R arm keeping a bent elbow and palm facing forward in a small circle counter clockwise for 5-6. While you doing this you will bring the R shoulder forward for count 6. On 7-8 you will reverse what you did by circling the R arm clockwise ending with R hand on hip for 8.

C2 [9-16] C Bumps Side L x2, Arms (Stacked, Box, Slide, Separate, Together), Head Nod
1&2&Push hips L keeping the L heel up, Return hips to neutral, Push hips L with the heel down, Return hips to neutral bringing weight to R
3&4&Repeat the previous 2 counts
5&Bring your arms flat on top of each other with left forearm over right so that the fingertips are over elbows and arms are in front of chest (1), Bending your wrists have the R hand point up and the L hand point down keeping the fingertips touching the the other arm creating a box (&)
6&7Slide the arms away from each other laterally dragging fingertips down the arms until hands meet (6), Raise the L arm up and drop the R arm down slightly keeping the “L” shape with your arms and hands creating a small space between fingertips of each hand (&), Bring hands back together as they were for the previous count so that L hand is on R but hands are vertical (7)
&8Raise your head up looking slightly up (&), Bring head back down to neutral position (8)
*Easier option for counts C13-16: You may replace these counts with C5-8 except L instead of R.


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