Intro 16 count – TAG-A-A-B-TAG-A-A-B-TAG-B1- FINAL TAG
PART-A: 24 counts
Sect:1 - Scissor step R, scissor step L, jump back rock R, stomp, jump back rock L, stomp
1&2Rock step out to side right, recover to left, cross right over left
3&4Rock step out to side left, recover to right, cross left over right
5&6Jump rock back on right and kick fwd left, return to left and stomp right to side
7&8Jump rock back on left and kick fwd right, return to right and stomp left to side
Sect:2 - Step lock R, 1⁄2 turn R,step L, 1⁄4 turn L, hitch, 1⁄4 turn L,touch, point twice, back hook R
1&2Step fwd right, cross lock left behind right, step fwd right
3&4Step fwd left, 1⁄2 pivot turn right, step left fwd
5&6& 1⁄2 turn left step back on right, 1⁄4 turn left and hitch left, step left to side, touch right next to left
7&8&Point right to right side, touch right next to left, point right to right side, hook flick right behind
Sect:3 - Grapvine to R, scuff, 1⁄2 turn R, grapvine to L, scuff, grapvine to L, 1⁄2 turn R, grapvine to L
1&2&Step right side, cross left behind right, 1⁄4 turn step right side, 1⁄4 turn right and scuff left
3&4&Step left side, cross right behind left, step left side, scuff right to side
5&6&Step right side, cross left behind right, 1⁄4 turn step right to side, 1⁄4 turn right and scuff left
7&8Step left side, cross right behind left, 1⁄4 turn step left side
PART-B: 32 counts
Sect:1 - Jumping cross R and L, scuff R, hitch jump R, swivel twice and 1⁄2 turn kick L, coaster step R
1&2&Jump cross right over left and hook behind left, return to left and kick right fwd, return to right and kick left fwd, jump cross left over right and hook behind right
3&4&Return to right and kick left fwd,return to left fwd,scuff and hitch right fwd
5&6Swivel heel to right, return to center, 1⁄2 turn swivle left and kick left fwd
7&8Step back left, step right side, step left fwd
Sect:2 repeat sect 1
Sect:3 repeat sect 1
Sect:4 repeat sect 1
PART-B1: 12 count
Sect:1 - Jumping cross R and L, kick L, kick R, kick L, kick R while 1⁄2 turn R, (repeat for three times)
1&2&Jump cross right over left and hook behind left, return to left and kick right fwd, return to right and kick left fwd, jump cross left over right and hook behind right
3&4&Kick left, kick right, kick left, kick right while 1⁄2 turn to the right
5&6&Jump cross right over left and hook behind left, return to left and kick right fwd, return to right and kick left fwd, jump cross left over right and hook behind right
7&8&Kick left, kick right, kick left, kick right while 1⁄2 turn to the right
Sect:2 repeat sect 1 up to 6& counts
Sect:3 repeat sect 1 Part B
TAG-16 count
Sect:1 - Toe heel stomp R, toe heel stomp L, step back R, slide L, stomp L, jump back R, stomp R
1&2Touch toe right to side, touch right hell, stomp cross right fwd to left
3&4Touch toe left to side, touch left hell, stomp cross left fwd to right
5&6Step back right, slide left behind, stomp left to side
7&8Jump back right and kick left, return to left and stomp right to side
Sect:2 repeat sect1
Repeat TAG sect 1 and sect 2 to count six
Contact: mele.robi@gmail.com
PART-A: 24 counts
Sect:1 - Scissor step R, scissor step L, jump back rock R, stomp, jump back rock L, stomp
1&2Rock step out to side right, recover to left, cross right over left
3&4Rock step out to side left, recover to right, cross left over right
5&6Jump rock back on right and kick fwd left, return to left and stomp right to side
7&8Jump rock back on left and kick fwd right, return to right and stomp left to side
Sect:2 - Step lock R, 1⁄2 turn R,step L, 1⁄4 turn L, hitch, 1⁄4 turn L,touch, point twice, back hook R
1&2Step fwd right, cross lock left behind right, step fwd right
3&4Step fwd left, 1⁄2 pivot turn right, step left fwd
5&6& 1⁄2 turn left step back on right, 1⁄4 turn left and hitch left, step left to side, touch right next to left
7&8&Point right to right side, touch right next to left, point right to right side, hook flick right behind
Sect:3 - Grapvine to R, scuff, 1⁄2 turn R, grapvine to L, scuff, grapvine to L, 1⁄2 turn R, grapvine to L
1&2&Step right side, cross left behind right, 1⁄4 turn step right side, 1⁄4 turn right and scuff left
3&4&Step left side, cross right behind left, step left side, scuff right to side
5&6&Step right side, cross left behind right, 1⁄4 turn step right to side, 1⁄4 turn right and scuff left
7&8Step left side, cross right behind left, 1⁄4 turn step left side
PART-B: 32 counts
Sect:1 - Jumping cross R and L, scuff R, hitch jump R, swivel twice and 1⁄2 turn kick L, coaster step R
1&2&Jump cross right over left and hook behind left, return to left and kick right fwd, return to right and kick left fwd, jump cross left over right and hook behind right
3&4&Return to right and kick left fwd,return to left fwd,scuff and hitch right fwd
5&6Swivel heel to right, return to center, 1⁄2 turn swivle left and kick left fwd
7&8Step back left, step right side, step left fwd
Sect:2 repeat sect 1
Sect:3 repeat sect 1
Sect:4 repeat sect 1
PART-B1: 12 count
Sect:1 - Jumping cross R and L, kick L, kick R, kick L, kick R while 1⁄2 turn R, (repeat for three times)
1&2&Jump cross right over left and hook behind left, return to left and kick right fwd, return to right and kick left fwd, jump cross left over right and hook behind right
3&4&Kick left, kick right, kick left, kick right while 1⁄2 turn to the right
5&6&Jump cross right over left and hook behind left, return to left and kick right fwd, return to right and kick left fwd, jump cross left over right and hook behind right
7&8&Kick left, kick right, kick left, kick right while 1⁄2 turn to the right
Sect:2 repeat sect 1 up to 6& counts
Sect:3 repeat sect 1 Part B
TAG-16 count
Sect:1 - Toe heel stomp R, toe heel stomp L, step back R, slide L, stomp L, jump back R, stomp R
1&2Touch toe right to side, touch right hell, stomp cross right fwd to left
3&4Touch toe left to side, touch left hell, stomp cross left fwd to right
5&6Step back right, slide left behind, stomp left to side
7&8Jump back right and kick left, return to left and stomp right to side
Sect:2 repeat sect1
Repeat TAG sect 1 and sect 2 to count six
Contact: mele.robi@gmail.com