CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Something In The Water

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Scott Hojer (AUS) - March 2017
Something In the Water - Lee Kernaghan : (Album: The big ones, Greatest Hits, 2004 - 3:12)
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Starting point 16 seconds, start on the words “Lyndal is” - Direction: clockwise

Side together, shuffle forward, side together shuffle forward
1,2,3&4Step Right to right side, bring Left together, step Right fwd, Left tog, step fwd Right
5, 6, 7&8Step Left to left side, bring Right together, step fwd Left, Right tog, step fwd Left

Rock forward back, ½ turn (R), shuffle forward R Full turn fwd R shuffle fwd (or Walk)
1, 2, 3&4Rock fwd on Right, back onto Left, ½ turn back over right shoulder, Step right fwd, left together, step right fwd (or walk right, left, right)
5,6,7&8Step left, ½ turn R, step right, ½ turn R, step left fwd, right together, step left fwd

Rock replace, behind side and cross, Rock replace, behind side and ¼ turn R
1,2,3&4Rock right to side, replace weight, right behind left, left to side, cross right over left
5, 6, 7&8Rock left to side, replace weight, left behind right, step right ¼ right, step fwd left

Forward back coaster, Fwd back ½ turn shuffle
1,2,3&4Rock fwd right, back on left, step back right, left together, step fwd right
5,6,7&8Rock left fwd, back onto right, step ½ left, step right together, step fwd left

Side behind ¼ turn shuffle Left rocking chair,
1,2,3&4Step right to side, left behind right, step ¼ right, left together, step fwd right
5,6,7,8Rock fwd onto left, back onto right, rock back onto left, fwd onto right

Step ½ pivot, step ½ pivot, Step touch, kick ball change
1,2,3,4Step fwd left ½ pivot onto right, step fwd left ½ pivot onto right
5, 6, 7&8Step fwd left, touch right, kick right, ball change


Last Update – 30th March 2017

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