CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You Drive Me Wild

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JR Landry (UK) - March 2017
Baby Lets Lay Down And Dance - Garth Brooks
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Vine RLR, Vine LRL
1,2,3,4Vine right, left, right, touch
5,6,7,8Vine left, right, left, touch
Bridge: wall 7

Vaudeville Step Right, Vaudeville Step Left
1,2, &3, &4Step side right, cross left behind right, simultaneously step right foot to the side and put left heel out, step on left foot, cross right in front of left
1,2, &3, &4Step side left,cross right behind left, simultaneously step left foot to the side and put right heel out, step on right foot, cross left in front of right

Rock R Recover - Coaster RLR, Rock L Recover - 1/2 Turn L - Shuffle LRL
1,2,3&4Rock right forwrad, recover to left, coaster step back right, left, right
1,2,3&4Rcok forward left, recover to right, 1/2 turn left, shuffle forward left, right, left

Rock R Recover - Coaster RLR, Rock L Recover - 1/4 Turn L - Coaster LRL
1,2,3&4Rock right forwrad, recover to left, coaster step back right, left, right
1,2,3&4Rock forward left, recover to right, 1/4 turn left, coaster forward left, right, left

On the 7th wall, you are going to start the dance (the song sounds like it’s about to end), at the end of the first 8 counts comes the Bridge.
The Bridge is as follows:
Rolling Vine RLR, Rolling Vine LRL
1,2,3,4Rolling vine right, left, right
1,2,3,4Rolling vine left right left
...then you will continute the dance with the Vaudeville steps and so on.
So it will go as this:
Vine RLR, Vine LRL
Rolling Vine RLR, Rolling Vine LRL
Vaudeville Step Right
Vaudeville Step Left...


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