CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Blown Away

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Don Pascual (FR) - March 2017
My Oklahoma Home Blowed Away - Mike Denver
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Start after 32 counts on the word «They» (When they opened up the strip...)

Sect 1: R & L heel switches, shuffle, L heel, hook, hitch, L coaster step
1&2R heel forward, R beside L, L heel forward
&3&4L beside R, step R forward, L beside R, step R forward
5&6&L heel forward, cross L foot over R shin, L heel forward, hitch L
7&8L step backward (on ball), R beside L (on ball), step L forward
Style: You can add “little hops” backward while making your hook and your hitch

Sect 2: R rock step fwd, R ¾ T into a R shuffle, step turn with claps, LRL stomps fwd,
1-2Rock R forward, recover onto L
3&4( Making a R ¾ T ): Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward
5&6&Step L forward, clap, R ½ T, clap
7&8Stomps LRL forward

Sect 3: Cross shuffle & R heel fwd, hold, & cross shuffle & L heel fwd, hold
1&2Cross R over L, L slightly to the L, cross R over L
&3-4L slightly to the L (L back diagonal), R heel forward (R diagonal), hold
&5&6R beside L, cross L over R, R slightly to the R, cross L over R
&7-8R slightly to the R (R back diagonal), L heel forward (L diagonal), hold
Option: You can replace section 3 with:

Syncopated weave to the L & heel fwd, syncopated weave to the R & heel fwd
1&2&3Cross R foot over L, step L to the L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, cross R over L
&4&Step L to the L, R heel forward (R diagonal, R foot beside L
5&6&7Cross L foot over R, step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, cross L over R
&8Step R to the R, L heel forward (L diagonal)

Sect 4: R&L rock steps fwd, sailor step ½ T Left, R kick ball step
&1-2L beside R, rock R forward, recover onto L
&3-4R beside L, rock L forward, recover onto R
5&6Cross L ball behind R making a L ¼ T, L ¼ T & R ball to R side, step L to the L (slightly forward)
7&8Kick R forward, R ball beside L, step L forward

Have fun with this dance...


Last Update – 10th May 2017

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