Low Intermediate
S1: Right shuffle, Left forward mambo, Right coaster step, Left shuffle forward
1&2Step forward on right bring left to right step right
3&4Rock left forward recover right step left next to right
5&6Step back on right step left next to right step forward on right
7&8Step forward on left bring right next to left step forward on left
S2: Right rock forward, Recover Left, Right shuffle back, Sailor 1/4 Left, Step Right 1/2 Left
1,2Rock forward on the right, Recover on the left
3&4Step back on the right step together on the left step back on the right
5&6Swing left foot out and around turning a 1/4 left, step right next to left, step forward on left
7,8Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left
S3: Right shuffle forward, Step left 1/4 right, Behind side cross, Point right foot side, Touch right foot beside left
1&2Step forward on right step together with left step forward on right
3,4Step left turn 1/4 right
5&6Step left behind right step right to side cross left in front of right
7,8Point right to the side, touch right next to left
S4: Lindy right, Step left behind 1/4 left, Skuff right
1&2Step right to the side step left together step right to the side
3,4rock back on left recover right
5,6step left to the side, step right behind left
7,8Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left, skuff right by the left
Tag: At the end of wall 8
1,2,3&4Step right, turn 1/2 left, Step forward on right Hip bump and right, right
1,2,3&4Step left, turn 1/2 right, Step forward on left Hip bump and left, left
Contact: Dan Powers at dan_powers@icloud.com
1&2Step forward on right bring left to right step right
3&4Rock left forward recover right step left next to right
5&6Step back on right step left next to right step forward on right
7&8Step forward on left bring right next to left step forward on left
S2: Right rock forward, Recover Left, Right shuffle back, Sailor 1/4 Left, Step Right 1/2 Left
1,2Rock forward on the right, Recover on the left
3&4Step back on the right step together on the left step back on the right
5&6Swing left foot out and around turning a 1/4 left, step right next to left, step forward on left
7,8Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left
S3: Right shuffle forward, Step left 1/4 right, Behind side cross, Point right foot side, Touch right foot beside left
1&2Step forward on right step together with left step forward on right
3,4Step left turn 1/4 right
5&6Step left behind right step right to side cross left in front of right
7,8Point right to the side, touch right next to left
S4: Lindy right, Step left behind 1/4 left, Skuff right
1&2Step right to the side step left together step right to the side
3,4rock back on left recover right
5,6step left to the side, step right behind left
7,8Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left, skuff right by the left
Tag: At the end of wall 8
1,2,3&4Step right, turn 1/2 left, Step forward on right Hip bump and right, right
1,2,3&4Step left, turn 1/2 right, Step forward on left Hip bump and left, left
Contact: Dan Powers at dan_powers@icloud.com