CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Drop Dead Gorgeous

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High Improver
Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - December 2016
They Can't See - Michael Tyler
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Sequence 32 , 32 16 , 32, 32 Tag 1, 32 32 16, Tag 2 Dance until End.
Start 16 counts

Side , Back, Rock , Rock & Cross, 1/4, 1/4, Lock Step Forward.
1-3Step Left to Left side, cross rock Right behind Left, recover on Left.
4&5Rock Right to Right side, recover on Left, cross step Right over Left.
6-7Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right. (6.00)
8&1Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.

Rock Recover, Lock Step Back, Toe, 1/4, Cross Shuffle.
2-3Rock forward on Right, recover back Left.
4&5Step back on Right, lock Left across Right, step back on Right.
6-7Touch Left toe back, make 1/4 pivot turn to Left taking weight onto Left foot . (3.00)
8&1Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left. *R*

Press Recover, Behind Side Cross, Walk, Walk, Anchor Step.
2-3Press Left toward left corner (1.30), recover on Right.
4&5Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, Cross step Left over Right towards (4.30)
6-7Walk forward Right. Left (4.30)
8&1Lock/Rock Right behind Left, recover forward on Left, step back on Right.

1/2, 1/2, 1/8 Sailor Step, Walk, Step, 1/2 Pivot.
2-3Make 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on Left (10.30) make 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right ( 4.30)
4&5Make 1/8 turn to Left cross stepping Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, step forward on Left. (3.00)
6-8Step forward on Right, Step forward on Left, make 1/2 pivot to Right.

Wall 3 Restart: Dance up to and including count 16 then Restart from beginning.

Tag 1: at End of Wall 5
Rock, Recover, Back, Coaster Cross, Side Together, Side Together (Side)
1-3Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, Step back on Left
4&5Step back on Right, step Left next to Right, cross step Right over Left.
6-7Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left.
8&Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left.
(1) Step Left to Left (this is the beginning of your dance)

Wall 8: Restart & Tag 2
Dance up to and including count 16 then add Tag 2 (you will be facing 12.00)
1-2.Hold Hold then Restart dance from beginning :)

4 評論

OLDSALTY February 13, 2017
Hi Nev and Julie,
I have had the track a couple of weeks now waiting for you to release the script.Genuine mega quick rise to the top of the viewing charts with 22 x 5 star votes. Its a no brainer, a must teach and I will run it by The Gang this Wed pm.

Good luck
Victoria xxxx

Jewels February 13, 2017
Thanks Victoria .. super country music by a new artist xx

Jewels February 13, 2017
Thanks Victoria .. super country music by a new artist xx

cass February 21, 2017
Love this dance fab track

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