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Mull of Kintyre

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Phrased Intermediate
Colleen Archer (AUS) - January 2017
Mull of Kintyre - Foster & Allen : (Album: I Will Love You All My Life - iTunes - 3:49)
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Intro: 15 counts SP: Weight on R Date: 5/1 /2017 BPM: 123

A1: Across, Rock side, Rec, Across, ¼ turn Back, ¼ turn Side
1 – 3Step L across R, Rock step R to right side, Recover L
4 – 6Step R across L, Turn ¼ right & step L back, Turn ¼ right & step R to right side (6)

A2: Across, Unwind ½, Behind, Rock side, Rec
1 – 3Touch L toe across R, Unwind ½ right, Take weight onto L
4 – 6Step R behind L, Rock step L to left side, Recover R (12)

A3: Across, Rock side, Turn ¼, Forward, Drag, Tog
1 – 3Step L across R, Rock step R to right side, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
4 – 6Step R forward, Drag L forward, Step L beside R (9)

A4: Behind, Side, Across, Side, Sway, ¼ turn
1 – 3Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Step R across L
4 – 6Step L to left side, Sway hips left, Turn ¼ left taking weight R (6)

A5: Waltz Back, Tog, Tog, Forward, Hook, Hold
1 – 3Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L beside R
4 – 6# Step R forward, Hook L foot up behind R knee, Hold (Restart, add Tag 1) (6)

A6: Back, Lock, Back, Back Hook, Hold
1 – 3Step L back, Lock R across L, Step L back
4 – 6Step R back, Hook L foot up to R knee, Hold (6)

B1: Waltz forward & turn ¼, Waltz back & Turn ½
1 – 3Step L forward, Turn ¼ left & step R beside L, Step L beside R
4 – 6Step R back, Turn ½ left & step L beside R, Step R beside L (9)

B2: Rock side, Rec, Across, Rock side, Rec, Across
1 – 3Rock step L to left side, Recover R, Step L across R
4 – 6Rock step R to right side, Recover L, Step R across L (9)

B3: Turn ¼ & Back, Side, Across, Side, Drag
1 – 3Turn ¼ right & step L back, Step R to right side, Step L across R
4 – 6Long step R to right side, Drag L for 2 counts (12)

B4: x-Rock, Rec, Side, x-Rock, Rec, Side
1 – 3Rock step L across R, Recover R, Step L to left side
4 – 6Rock step R across L, Recover L, Step R to right side (12)

B5: Side, Drag, Hitch, Rock back, Rec, Turn ¼ & Side
1 – 3Step L to left side, Drag R toward L, Hitch R
4 – 6Rock step R back, Recover L, Turn ¼ left & step R to right side (9)

B6: Rock back, Rec, Side, Forward, Slow hook & turn ¾
1 – 3Rock step L back, Recover R, Step L to left side
4 – 6Small step R forward, Slowly hook L foot across R while turning ¾ left (12)

B7: Waltz Forward, Tog, Tog, Forward, Sweep
1 – 3Step L forward, Step R beside L, Step L beside R
4 – 6## Step R forward, Sweep L around & across R for 2 counts (restart, add tag 2) (12)

B8: Weave Across, Back, Back, Across, Back, Drag
1 – 3Step L across R, Step R back, Step L back (12)
4 – 6Step R across L, Step L back, Drag R back

B9: Back, Tog, Diagonal
1 – 3Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R forward 45º right (12)

Begin sequences again…..

Restart: # Wall 6, instrumental music, dance first 30 counts of A and add tag 1.
Tag 1: 1 – 3 Step L back, Drag R back and step beside L

Restart: ## Wall 7, choir sings, dance first 42 counts of B, add tag 2.
Tag 2: 1 - 3 Step L across R, Step R back, Touch L beside R

Finish: Dance to end of B, Step L forward, Hold, Hold

SEQUENCES: A B A B A A (30 + tag) B (39 + tag) B A B
{Wall: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
{Wall Starts: 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6}

Dance may be copied and distributed provided original steps remain unchanged.

Email: For …”Tiahna”

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