#16 counts intro
Section 1: Side, cross rock, chassé L, cross rock, chassé 1/4 turn R
1-3Step RF to R, cross rock LF over RF, recover on RF
4&5Step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
6-7Cross rock RF over LF, recover on LF
8&1Step RF to L, step LF next to RF, 1/4 turn R(3.00), step RF forward
Section 2: Step 1/2 turn R, lock step forward X2 L, R, step 1/4 turn R, scissor step
2-3Step LF forward, 1/2 turn R(6.00), recover on RF
4&5Step LF forward, close RF behind LF, step LF forward
6&7Step RF forward, close LF behind RF, step RF forward
8&1Step LF forward, 1/4 turn R(12.00), step RF next to LF, cross LF over RF
Section 3: Side cross, scissor step, side, jazz box
2-3Step RF to R, cross LF over RF
4&5Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
6-7Step LF to L, cross RF over LF
8&1Step LF backwards, step RF to R, step LF forward
*Restart here in wall 5
Section 4: 2 walks R-L, step 1/2 turn L, shuffle, touch
2-3Walk forward on RF, walk forward on LF
4&5Step forward on RF, 1/2 turn L(6.00), recover on LF, step RF forward
6&7Step LF forward, step RF next to LF, step LF forward
8Touch RF next to LF
*Restart in wall 5: After section 3 facing 12 o’clock
Count 8-1: Step LF next to RF(8), step RF to R(1)
There is a change in the music in wall 7. It will happen during section 3. Just keep on dancing and you will keep up with the beat in the music again.
Contact: trilund@online.no
Last Update - 18th May 2018
Section 1: Side, cross rock, chassé L, cross rock, chassé 1/4 turn R
1-3Step RF to R, cross rock LF over RF, recover on RF
4&5Step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
6-7Cross rock RF over LF, recover on LF
8&1Step RF to L, step LF next to RF, 1/4 turn R(3.00), step RF forward
Section 2: Step 1/2 turn R, lock step forward X2 L, R, step 1/4 turn R, scissor step
2-3Step LF forward, 1/2 turn R(6.00), recover on RF
4&5Step LF forward, close RF behind LF, step LF forward
6&7Step RF forward, close LF behind RF, step RF forward
8&1Step LF forward, 1/4 turn R(12.00), step RF next to LF, cross LF over RF
Section 3: Side cross, scissor step, side, jazz box
2-3Step RF to R, cross LF over RF
4&5Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
6-7Step LF to L, cross RF over LF
8&1Step LF backwards, step RF to R, step LF forward
*Restart here in wall 5
Section 4: 2 walks R-L, step 1/2 turn L, shuffle, touch
2-3Walk forward on RF, walk forward on LF
4&5Step forward on RF, 1/2 turn L(6.00), recover on LF, step RF forward
6&7Step LF forward, step RF next to LF, step LF forward
8Touch RF next to LF
*Restart in wall 5: After section 3 facing 12 o’clock
Count 8-1: Step LF next to RF(8), step RF to R(1)
There is a change in the music in wall 7. It will happen during section 3. Just keep on dancing and you will keep up with the beat in the music again.
Contact: trilund@online.no
Last Update - 18th May 2018