Two Restarts - walls 5 and 11
[1-8]: Two modified heel jacks
1, 2R side step, L step cross behind
& 3 & 4R step side, L heel out, L step side, R step cross in front
5, 6L side step, R step cross behind
& 7 & 8L side step, R heel out, R step side, L step cross in front
*First Restart on Wall 5 after first 8 counts*
[9-16]: Two hops, triple step, rock recover, triple step
1, 2Picking up right knee into a hitch two hops turning 1/8th each hop over L shoulder
3 & 4R triple step
5, 6L forward rock recover on R
7 & 8L triple step with a 1/2 turn over your L shoulder
[17-24]: Two step scoots, Rock recover, step 1/4 into hip sways
& 1 & 2R step forward and scoot L next to R to touch, L step forward and scoot R next to L to touch
3, 4R forward rock recover on L
5, 6R step back L step side making 1/4 turn over L shoulder
7, 8Hip sway R, Hip sway L
[25-32]: Kick and cross, 1/4 turn hitch, triple step, touch out 1/2 turn
1 & 2R kick front, R step back, L step crossing in front
3, 4R step side, hitch L knee making 1/4 turn over L shoulder
**Second Restart on wall 11 after first 4 counts of S4**
5 & 6L triple step forward
7, 8Touch (putting pressure on it) R to the side push off making 1/2 turn behind you over R shoulder
Contact: Lierenlouise@yahoo.com
Last Update - 11th Dec 2016
[1-8]: Two modified heel jacks
1, 2R side step, L step cross behind
& 3 & 4R step side, L heel out, L step side, R step cross in front
5, 6L side step, R step cross behind
& 7 & 8L side step, R heel out, R step side, L step cross in front
*First Restart on Wall 5 after first 8 counts*
[9-16]: Two hops, triple step, rock recover, triple step
1, 2Picking up right knee into a hitch two hops turning 1/8th each hop over L shoulder
3 & 4R triple step
5, 6L forward rock recover on R
7 & 8L triple step with a 1/2 turn over your L shoulder
[17-24]: Two step scoots, Rock recover, step 1/4 into hip sways
& 1 & 2R step forward and scoot L next to R to touch, L step forward and scoot R next to L to touch
3, 4R forward rock recover on L
5, 6R step back L step side making 1/4 turn over L shoulder
7, 8Hip sway R, Hip sway L
[25-32]: Kick and cross, 1/4 turn hitch, triple step, touch out 1/2 turn
1 & 2R kick front, R step back, L step crossing in front
3, 4R step side, hitch L knee making 1/4 turn over L shoulder
**Second Restart on wall 11 after first 4 counts of S4**
5 & 6L triple step forward
7, 8Touch (putting pressure on it) R to the side push off making 1/2 turn behind you over R shoulder
Contact: Lierenlouise@yahoo.com
Last Update - 11th Dec 2016