Intro: 8 counts
R-L Walk Fwd, R Shuffle Fwd, L Rock Fwd- Rec, Sweep- 1/4 Turn L- L Coaster Step
1-2Walk R, L forward
3&4Step R fwd, step L together, step R fwd
5-6Rock fwd on L, recover to R
7&8Sweep L around into a 1/4 turn L- step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
R Cross, L Step, R Sailor, L Cross, R Step, L Sailor
1-2Cross step R over L, step L to L side
3&4Cross R behind L, step L together, step R to R side
5-6Cross step L over R, step R to R side
7&8Cross L behind R, step R together, step L to L side
Restart Here: Wall 4
R Cross Rock-Rec, R 1/4 Turning Shuffle, Step L- 1/4 Turn R, L Crossing Shuffle
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover to L
3&4Step R to R side, step L together, step R fwd into 1/4 turn R
5-6Step L fwd, turn 1/4 R- weight to R
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
R Side Tap- 2x, R Behind-L Side-R Step, L Paddle 1/2 Turn R- L Step
1-2Tap R to R side- 2x
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side
5-8Make 1/8 turn R- touching L to L side, make 1/8 turn R- touching L to L side, make 1/8 turn R- touching L to L side, make 1/8 turn R- step on L
Restart: On wall 4 (3:00)-Dance 16 counts then restart (facing 12:00)
Contact: wmager@cfl.rr.com
R-L Walk Fwd, R Shuffle Fwd, L Rock Fwd- Rec, Sweep- 1/4 Turn L- L Coaster Step
1-2Walk R, L forward
3&4Step R fwd, step L together, step R fwd
5-6Rock fwd on L, recover to R
7&8Sweep L around into a 1/4 turn L- step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
R Cross, L Step, R Sailor, L Cross, R Step, L Sailor
1-2Cross step R over L, step L to L side
3&4Cross R behind L, step L together, step R to R side
5-6Cross step L over R, step R to R side
7&8Cross L behind R, step R together, step L to L side
Restart Here: Wall 4
R Cross Rock-Rec, R 1/4 Turning Shuffle, Step L- 1/4 Turn R, L Crossing Shuffle
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover to L
3&4Step R to R side, step L together, step R fwd into 1/4 turn R
5-6Step L fwd, turn 1/4 R- weight to R
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
R Side Tap- 2x, R Behind-L Side-R Step, L Paddle 1/2 Turn R- L Step
1-2Tap R to R side- 2x
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side
5-8Make 1/8 turn R- touching L to L side, make 1/8 turn R- touching L to L side, make 1/8 turn R- touching L to L side, make 1/8 turn R- step on L
Restart: On wall 4 (3:00)-Dance 16 counts then restart (facing 12:00)
Contact: wmager@cfl.rr.com