Forward Diagonally Touch 2x, Backward Diagonally Touch 2x
1-2RF forward in diagonally right, LF touch next to right and clap your hand
3-4LF forward in diagonally left , RF touch next to left and clap your hand
5-6RF backward in diagonally right, LF touch next to right and clap your hands
7-8LF backward in diagonally left, RF touch next to left and clap your hands
Kick Forward 2x, Triple Step, Kick Forward 2x, Triple Step
1-2RF Kick forward 2x
3&4RF next to left, LF on place, RF on place
5-6LF Kick forward 2x
7&8LF next to right, RF on place, LF on place
Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left ¼ turn, Touch
1-2RF step right, LF cross behind right
3-4RF step right, LF touch together
5-6LF step left, RF cross behind left
7-8LF ¼ turn left, RF touch together
Stomp 2x, Hip Bump side Right 2x Hip Bump Side Left 2x, Hip roll
1-2RF stomp right, LF stomp left
3&4LF weight and Hip bump right 2x
5&6RF weight and hip bump left 2x
7-8LF roll your hips counter clockwise
Have fun and keep smiling
Contact : favre.sylvie@gmail.com
1-2RF forward in diagonally right, LF touch next to right and clap your hand
3-4LF forward in diagonally left , RF touch next to left and clap your hand
5-6RF backward in diagonally right, LF touch next to right and clap your hands
7-8LF backward in diagonally left, RF touch next to left and clap your hands
Kick Forward 2x, Triple Step, Kick Forward 2x, Triple Step
1-2RF Kick forward 2x
3&4RF next to left, LF on place, RF on place
5-6LF Kick forward 2x
7&8LF next to right, RF on place, LF on place
Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left ¼ turn, Touch
1-2RF step right, LF cross behind right
3-4RF step right, LF touch together
5-6LF step left, RF cross behind left
7-8LF ¼ turn left, RF touch together
Stomp 2x, Hip Bump side Right 2x Hip Bump Side Left 2x, Hip roll
1-2RF stomp right, LF stomp left
3&4LF weight and Hip bump right 2x
5&6RF weight and hip bump left 2x
7-8LF roll your hips counter clockwise
Have fun and keep smiling
Contact : favre.sylvie@gmail.com