Intro: 66 counts 27 sec. into track - dance begins with weight on R
Restarts: There are Two restarts – on walls 3 and 5 both after 84 counts facing 6.00
[1-6] L twinkle, weave
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) Step R to R, (3) Recover weight onto L 12.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Cross R behind L 12.00
[7-12] Side, drag, touch, 1 1/4 turns R
1-2-3(1) Step L to L, (2) Drag R towards L (3) Softly touch R beside L 12.00
4-5-6(4) Turn ¼ R stepping fwd. on R, (5) Turn ½ R stepping back on L, (6) Turn ½ R stepping fwd. on R 3.00
[13-18] L basic, back, 3/8, fwd.
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) Step R next to L, (3) Change weight to L 3.00
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) Turn 3/8 L stepping fwd. on L, (6) Step fwd. on R 10.30
[19-24] Fwd. rock, hold, hold, recover, back rock
1-2-3(1) Rock fwd. on L leaning body into rock, (2-3) Hold for 2 counts (styling - extend R arm fwd on rock) 10.30
4-5-6(4) Recover back onto R, (5) Rock back on L, (6) Recover onto 6 10.30
[25-30] L fwd, R fwd, Pivot ¼ L, weave
1-2-3(1) Step L slightly fwd, (2) Step R fwd, (3) Pivot ¼ turn L taking weight onto L 7.30
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Cross R behind L 7.30
[31-36] Side, drag, 1/8, R fwd, Pivot ½ R
1-2-3(1) Step L to L, (2-3) Drag R towards L for 2 counts 7.30
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/8 R stepping fwd. on R, (5) Step L fwd , (6) Pivot ½ turn R taking weight onto R 3.00
[37-42] L Fwd., kick, coaster cross
1-2-3(1) Step fwd on L, (2-3) Kick R fwd for 2 counts (slow kick extending right leg on count 3) 3.00
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) Step L slightly back & to L, (6) Cross R over L 3.00
[43-48] 1/4 raising R arm, run back
1-2-3(1) Large step L to L starting to swing R arm, (2-3) Slowly make 1/4 L on ball of L raising R arm (keep weight on L) – R arm swing is slow and graceful which hits the break in the chorus. 12.00
4-5-6(4-5-6) Run back R, L, R 12.00
[49-54] Together, hold x 2 with arms, R twinkle
1-2-3(1) Step L next to R, (2-3) Hold for 2 counts (both arms come down slowly from waist level beside body on the holds, palms facing down) 12.00
4-5-6(1) Cross R over L, (2) Step L to L, (3) Recover weight onto R 12.00
[55-66] Diamond fall away
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) Step R back to R diagonal making 1/8 L, (3) Step L back 10.30
4-5-6(4) Step R behind L, (5) Turn 1/4 L stepping fwd. on L, (6) Step fwd. on R 7.30
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) Step R to R turning 1/8 L, (3) Step L slightly back 6.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R behind L, (5) Turn 1/8 L stepping L to L, (6) Step fwd. on R 4.30
[67-72] Fwd., hitch, 1/4, point, hold
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2-3) Slowly hitch R for 2 counts 4.30
4-5-6(4) Step R back turning 1/4 R, (5) Point L to L, (6) Hold 7.30
[73-78] 1/4, 1/8, weave
1-2-3(1) Step down on L making 1/4 L starting to sweep R, (2-3) continue sweeping 1/8 L for 2 counts 3.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Cross R behind L 3.00
[79-84] Side, drag, 1/4, side rock
1-2-3(1) Step L to L, (2-3) Drag R towards L for 2 counts 3.00
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/4 R stepping on R (5) Rock/step L to L (6) Recover weight onto R making 1/8 R 7.30
NOTE: Restart here on walls 3 and 5 to back wall
[85-90] L basic fwd., R basic back
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) Step R next to L, (3) Change weight to L 7.30
4-5-6(1) Step back on R, (2) Step L next to R, (3) Change weight to R 7.30
[91-96] L Fwd, sweep 1/8, R twinkle
1-2-3(1) Step fwd on L starting to sweep R, (2-3) Continue sweeping R making 1/8 L 6.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Recover weight onto R - 6.00
Contacts: bellychops@hotmail.com - lovelinedance@live.dk
Restarts: There are Two restarts – on walls 3 and 5 both after 84 counts facing 6.00
[1-6] L twinkle, weave
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) Step R to R, (3) Recover weight onto L 12.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Cross R behind L 12.00
[7-12] Side, drag, touch, 1 1/4 turns R
1-2-3(1) Step L to L, (2) Drag R towards L (3) Softly touch R beside L 12.00
4-5-6(4) Turn ¼ R stepping fwd. on R, (5) Turn ½ R stepping back on L, (6) Turn ½ R stepping fwd. on R 3.00
[13-18] L basic, back, 3/8, fwd.
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) Step R next to L, (3) Change weight to L 3.00
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) Turn 3/8 L stepping fwd. on L, (6) Step fwd. on R 10.30
[19-24] Fwd. rock, hold, hold, recover, back rock
1-2-3(1) Rock fwd. on L leaning body into rock, (2-3) Hold for 2 counts (styling - extend R arm fwd on rock) 10.30
4-5-6(4) Recover back onto R, (5) Rock back on L, (6) Recover onto 6 10.30
[25-30] L fwd, R fwd, Pivot ¼ L, weave
1-2-3(1) Step L slightly fwd, (2) Step R fwd, (3) Pivot ¼ turn L taking weight onto L 7.30
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Cross R behind L 7.30
[31-36] Side, drag, 1/8, R fwd, Pivot ½ R
1-2-3(1) Step L to L, (2-3) Drag R towards L for 2 counts 7.30
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/8 R stepping fwd. on R, (5) Step L fwd , (6) Pivot ½ turn R taking weight onto R 3.00
[37-42] L Fwd., kick, coaster cross
1-2-3(1) Step fwd on L, (2-3) Kick R fwd for 2 counts (slow kick extending right leg on count 3) 3.00
4-5-6(4) Step back on R, (5) Step L slightly back & to L, (6) Cross R over L 3.00
[43-48] 1/4 raising R arm, run back
1-2-3(1) Large step L to L starting to swing R arm, (2-3) Slowly make 1/4 L on ball of L raising R arm (keep weight on L) – R arm swing is slow and graceful which hits the break in the chorus. 12.00
4-5-6(4-5-6) Run back R, L, R 12.00
[49-54] Together, hold x 2 with arms, R twinkle
1-2-3(1) Step L next to R, (2-3) Hold for 2 counts (both arms come down slowly from waist level beside body on the holds, palms facing down) 12.00
4-5-6(1) Cross R over L, (2) Step L to L, (3) Recover weight onto R 12.00
[55-66] Diamond fall away
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) Step R back to R diagonal making 1/8 L, (3) Step L back 10.30
4-5-6(4) Step R behind L, (5) Turn 1/4 L stepping fwd. on L, (6) Step fwd. on R 7.30
1-2-3(1) Cross L over R, (2) Step R to R turning 1/8 L, (3) Step L slightly back 6.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R behind L, (5) Turn 1/8 L stepping L to L, (6) Step fwd. on R 4.30
[67-72] Fwd., hitch, 1/4, point, hold
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2-3) Slowly hitch R for 2 counts 4.30
4-5-6(4) Step R back turning 1/4 R, (5) Point L to L, (6) Hold 7.30
[73-78] 1/4, 1/8, weave
1-2-3(1) Step down on L making 1/4 L starting to sweep R, (2-3) continue sweeping 1/8 L for 2 counts 3.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Cross R behind L 3.00
[79-84] Side, drag, 1/4, side rock
1-2-3(1) Step L to L, (2-3) Drag R towards L for 2 counts 3.00
4-5-6(4) Turn 1/4 R stepping on R (5) Rock/step L to L (6) Recover weight onto R making 1/8 R 7.30
NOTE: Restart here on walls 3 and 5 to back wall
[85-90] L basic fwd., R basic back
1-2-3(1) Step fwd. on L, (2) Step R next to L, (3) Change weight to L 7.30
4-5-6(1) Step back on R, (2) Step L next to R, (3) Change weight to R 7.30
[91-96] L Fwd, sweep 1/8, R twinkle
1-2-3(1) Step fwd on L starting to sweep R, (2-3) Continue sweeping R making 1/8 L 6.00
4-5-6(4) Cross R over L, (5) Step L to L, (6) Recover weight onto R - 6.00
Contacts: bellychops@hotmail.com - lovelinedance@live.dk