Side, Slide, Touch, Heel & Heel, Side, Together, Hip Bumps
1 2Step side right, slide touch left
3&4&Touch left heel forward, together left, touch right heel forward, together right
5 6Step side left, together right
7&8Bump hips left, right, left
Restart here (Wall 2) & (Wall 5)
Step back, Hitch, Step 1/4, Hitch 1/4, Rock Side, Weave
1 2Step back right, hitch left knee up
3 4Step left ¼ left, hitch right knee up making ¼ left
5 6Step side right, recover left
7&8Cross right behind left, ball left next right, cross right over left
Restart here (Wall 9) & (Wall 10) Variation (see below)
Wizard 2x, 1/2 Pivot 2x
1 2&Step forward left, cross right behind left, step forward left
3 4&Step forward right, cross left behind right, step forward right
5 6Step forward left turn ½ right (weight on right)
7 8Step forward left turn ½ right (weight on right)
Cross & Heel 2x, Out, Out, Knee Pop, flick
1&2Cross left over right, step back right, touch left heel forward
&3&4Together left, cross right over left, step back left, touch right heel forward
&5 6Together right, step left out, step right out
7 8&Left toe is touched roll left knee in, roll left knee out weighting left foot, flick right foot behind & Up
Restarts: All happen on back wall
First 2 Restarts happen same spot after the hip bumps of the first 8 counts of the dance.
The others happen after the Weave with slight variation.
Wall 9 & Wall 10 Restarts: On count 8 touch
Instead of weave. 7 Cross right behind left, & step side left, 8 touch right next left.
1 2Step side right, slide touch left
3&4&Touch left heel forward, together left, touch right heel forward, together right
5 6Step side left, together right
7&8Bump hips left, right, left
Restart here (Wall 2) & (Wall 5)
Step back, Hitch, Step 1/4, Hitch 1/4, Rock Side, Weave
1 2Step back right, hitch left knee up
3 4Step left ¼ left, hitch right knee up making ¼ left
5 6Step side right, recover left
7&8Cross right behind left, ball left next right, cross right over left
Restart here (Wall 9) & (Wall 10) Variation (see below)
Wizard 2x, 1/2 Pivot 2x
1 2&Step forward left, cross right behind left, step forward left
3 4&Step forward right, cross left behind right, step forward right
5 6Step forward left turn ½ right (weight on right)
7 8Step forward left turn ½ right (weight on right)
Cross & Heel 2x, Out, Out, Knee Pop, flick
1&2Cross left over right, step back right, touch left heel forward
&3&4Together left, cross right over left, step back left, touch right heel forward
&5 6Together right, step left out, step right out
7 8&Left toe is touched roll left knee in, roll left knee out weighting left foot, flick right foot behind & Up
Restarts: All happen on back wall
First 2 Restarts happen same spot after the hip bumps of the first 8 counts of the dance.
The others happen after the Weave with slight variation.
Wall 9 & Wall 10 Restarts: On count 8 touch
Instead of weave. 7 Cross right behind left, & step side left, 8 touch right next left.