Dance begins after 32 cts on vocals. No Tags Or Restarts. WooHoo!
V step, samba step, samba turning 1/4 step.
1-2-3-4Step right diagonal forward. Step left diagonal forward. Step right back to center. Step left beside right.
5&6Step forward right. (5) Step left to side of right on ball of foot.(&) Recover weight on right.(6)
7&8Step forward left and turn 1/4 to 9:00(7) As you turn step right ball of foot to 12:00(&) Recover weight on left foot facing 9:00(8)
Pivot over left 1/2 turn, Stomp forward right left right, rock left forward recover, full triple turn over left .L-R-L.
1-2Step right foot forward and turn 1/2 over left shifting weight to left facing 3:00.
3&4Stomp foot right left right moving forward.(3:00)
5-6Step left forward then shift weight to right foot.
7&8Making a full turn step left right left in a tight circle back to 3:00.
Let's dance!
V step, samba step, samba turning 1/4 step.
1-2-3-4Step right diagonal forward. Step left diagonal forward. Step right back to center. Step left beside right.
5&6Step forward right. (5) Step left to side of right on ball of foot.(&) Recover weight on right.(6)
7&8Step forward left and turn 1/4 to 9:00(7) As you turn step right ball of foot to 12:00(&) Recover weight on left foot facing 9:00(8)
Pivot over left 1/2 turn, Stomp forward right left right, rock left forward recover, full triple turn over left .L-R-L.
1-2Step right foot forward and turn 1/2 over left shifting weight to left facing 3:00.
3&4Stomp foot right left right moving forward.(3:00)
5-6Step left forward then shift weight to right foot.
7&8Making a full turn step left right left in a tight circle back to 3:00.
Let's dance!