Beginner / Improver
Sec 1: Right Step-slide-step-hold. Left Coaster step Hold
1-2step forward on right foot-slide left foot up to right.
3-4step forward on right foot- Hold the 4th count.
5-6step forward on Left foot-step right beside left.
7-8step back on left foot.- hold the 8th count.
Sec 2: Right Step-slide-Step-Hold. Left Coaster step hold
1-2step back on right foot-slide left-back to right foot.
3-4step back on right foot- hold the 4th count.
5-6step back on left foot-step right beside right.
7-8step forward on left foot- hold the 8th count.
Sec 3: Right Toe-Heel-Cross-hold. Left Toe-Heel-Cross-Hold.
1-2touch right toe to left instep ( toe in)-left heel side (toe out)
3-4cross right foot over left foot- hold with weight on right.
5-6-7-8repeat 1-4 starting with Left foot.
Sec 4: Right Cross-turn-Step-Hold.Left Cross-turn Step-Hold
1-2cross right over left-step back on left (making a ¼ turn right)
3-4step to right side on right- hold the 4th count.
5-6cross Left over right-step back on right ( ¼ turn Left)
7-8step left to left side- hold the 8th count.
Sec 5: Right Kick-Step-Left Kick-Step-Right Coaster step.
1-2kick right foot forward-step right foot beside left.
3-4kick left foot forward-step left foot beside right.
5-6step back on right foot-step left beside right foot.
7-8step forward on right foot- hold the 8th count.
Sec 6: Left Rock-Turn-Step-Hold. Kick-Step-Kick-Step.
1-2rock forward on left foot-recover back onto right foot.
3-4make a ½ turn to left stepping forward on left foot-hold.
5-6kick right foot forward-step right foot next to left.
7-8Kick left foot forward-step left foot next to right.
Start over !
No Tags or Restarts …Have Fun! With this one
John Sandham & Krys Spain 604131424
F/B Costa Blanca Line Dance
Last Update - 13th Oct 2016
1-2step forward on right foot-slide left foot up to right.
3-4step forward on right foot- Hold the 4th count.
5-6step forward on Left foot-step right beside left.
7-8step back on left foot.- hold the 8th count.
Sec 2: Right Step-slide-Step-Hold. Left Coaster step hold
1-2step back on right foot-slide left-back to right foot.
3-4step back on right foot- hold the 4th count.
5-6step back on left foot-step right beside right.
7-8step forward on left foot- hold the 8th count.
Sec 3: Right Toe-Heel-Cross-hold. Left Toe-Heel-Cross-Hold.
1-2touch right toe to left instep ( toe in)-left heel side (toe out)
3-4cross right foot over left foot- hold with weight on right.
5-6-7-8repeat 1-4 starting with Left foot.
Sec 4: Right Cross-turn-Step-Hold.Left Cross-turn Step-Hold
1-2cross right over left-step back on left (making a ¼ turn right)
3-4step to right side on right- hold the 4th count.
5-6cross Left over right-step back on right ( ¼ turn Left)
7-8step left to left side- hold the 8th count.
Sec 5: Right Kick-Step-Left Kick-Step-Right Coaster step.
1-2kick right foot forward-step right foot beside left.
3-4kick left foot forward-step left foot beside right.
5-6step back on right foot-step left beside right foot.
7-8step forward on right foot- hold the 8th count.
Sec 6: Left Rock-Turn-Step-Hold. Kick-Step-Kick-Step.
1-2rock forward on left foot-recover back onto right foot.
3-4make a ½ turn to left stepping forward on left foot-hold.
5-6kick right foot forward-step right foot next to left.
7-8Kick left foot forward-step left foot next to right.
Start over !
No Tags or Restarts …Have Fun! With this one
John Sandham & Krys Spain 604131424
F/B Costa Blanca Line Dance
Last Update - 13th Oct 2016