Low Intermediate
Start dancing on lyrics
Walk-walk, mambo step, walk-walk, Rock step, Touch
1-2Step forward on right foot - Step forward on left foot
3&4Rock forward onto right foot - recover onto left - step right back
5-6Step forward on left foot - Step forward on right foot
7&8Rock forward onto left foot - recover onto right - touch left next to right
Side-close, behind-side-cross, side-rock, cross shuffle
1-2Step left foot left - step right foot next to left
3&4Step left behind right - step right to the right side - cross left over right
5-6Step right foot right - recover on left foot
7&8Cross right foot over left - step left to the left - cross right over left
Coaster Step, Shuffle Foward R, Rocking Chair, Step, 1/2 Turn R
1&2Step back on left - step right next to left - step forward on left
3&4Step right foot forward - close left foot next to right - step right foot forward
5&6&Rock left foot forward - recover on right - rock left foot back - recover on right
7-8Step forward on left - ½ turn right on both balls
Heel Switches, Shuffle back, 1/2 turn shuffle R, cross rock
1&2&Point left heel forward - step left next to right - point right heel forward - step right next to left
3&4Step back on left - step right next to left - step back on left
5&6Turn 1/2 right stepping right foot forward - close left foot next to right - step right foot forward
7-8Cross rock left over right - recover on right
Chasse L, cross rock, chasse R, step, 1/4 Turn R, step
1&2Step left to left side - step right next to left - step left to left side
3-4Cross rock right over left, recover on left
5&6Step right to right side - step left next to right - step right to right side
7-8&Step forward on left - 1/4 turn right on both balls - step left foot next to right
Tag: after the end of the 4th round.
Coaster Step
1&2Step back on left - step right next to left - step forward on left.
Contact: a.banks@web.de
Last Update - 22nd Sept 2016
Walk-walk, mambo step, walk-walk, Rock step, Touch
1-2Step forward on right foot - Step forward on left foot
3&4Rock forward onto right foot - recover onto left - step right back
5-6Step forward on left foot - Step forward on right foot
7&8Rock forward onto left foot - recover onto right - touch left next to right
Side-close, behind-side-cross, side-rock, cross shuffle
1-2Step left foot left - step right foot next to left
3&4Step left behind right - step right to the right side - cross left over right
5-6Step right foot right - recover on left foot
7&8Cross right foot over left - step left to the left - cross right over left
Coaster Step, Shuffle Foward R, Rocking Chair, Step, 1/2 Turn R
1&2Step back on left - step right next to left - step forward on left
3&4Step right foot forward - close left foot next to right - step right foot forward
5&6&Rock left foot forward - recover on right - rock left foot back - recover on right
7-8Step forward on left - ½ turn right on both balls
Heel Switches, Shuffle back, 1/2 turn shuffle R, cross rock
1&2&Point left heel forward - step left next to right - point right heel forward - step right next to left
3&4Step back on left - step right next to left - step back on left
5&6Turn 1/2 right stepping right foot forward - close left foot next to right - step right foot forward
7-8Cross rock left over right - recover on right
Chasse L, cross rock, chasse R, step, 1/4 Turn R, step
1&2Step left to left side - step right next to left - step left to left side
3-4Cross rock right over left, recover on left
5&6Step right to right side - step left next to right - step right to right side
7-8&Step forward on left - 1/4 turn right on both balls - step left foot next to right
Tag: after the end of the 4th round.
Coaster Step
1&2Step back on left - step right next to left - step forward on left.
Contact: a.banks@web.de
Last Update - 22nd Sept 2016