Intro: 32 counts SP: Weight L Date: 31/8/2016 BPM: 128
Bump hips R L, R L R, Bump hips L R, L R L
1, 2Touch R toe forward to 45º and bump hips R, L
3 & 4Bump hips R L R taking weight R
5, 6Touch L toe forward to 45º left and bump hips L, R
7 & 8Bump hips L R L taking weight L (12)
Zig Zag R fwd, Touch L, L fwd, Touch R, ¼ Paddle, X-Shuffle
1, 2Step R forward to 45º right, Touch L beside R and clap
3, 4Step L forward to 45º left, Touch R beside L and clap
5,6Step R forward, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
7 & 8Step R across L, Step L to left, Step R across L (9)
Side, Touch back, Side, Touch back, Fwd, Touch, Rock back, Rec
1, 2Step L to left side, Touch R toe behind L and swing hands to left
3, 4Step R to right side Touch L toe behind R and swing hand to right
5, 6Step L forward, Touch R toe behind L
7, 8Rock step R back, Recover L (9)
¼ Paddle, ¼ Paddle, Weave Across, Side, Behind, Side
1, 2Step R forward, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
3, 4Step R forward, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
5, 6Step R across L, Step L to left side
7, 8Step R behind L, Step L to left side (3)
Begin dance again……
Short Wall: Wall 9 (facing 12 o’clock ) dance first 8 counts and add following Tag.
1 – 4Step R to right side and sway hips R L R L
Finish: Wall 11 dance to end, Touch R toe across L and unwind ½ left taking weight onto R.
Dance may be copied and distributed provided original steps remain unchanged.
Email: colleen.archer@bigpond.com
Bump hips R L, R L R, Bump hips L R, L R L
1, 2Touch R toe forward to 45º and bump hips R, L
3 & 4Bump hips R L R taking weight R
5, 6Touch L toe forward to 45º left and bump hips L, R
7 & 8Bump hips L R L taking weight L (12)
Zig Zag R fwd, Touch L, L fwd, Touch R, ¼ Paddle, X-Shuffle
1, 2Step R forward to 45º right, Touch L beside R and clap
3, 4Step L forward to 45º left, Touch R beside L and clap
5,6Step R forward, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
7 & 8Step R across L, Step L to left, Step R across L (9)
Side, Touch back, Side, Touch back, Fwd, Touch, Rock back, Rec
1, 2Step L to left side, Touch R toe behind L and swing hands to left
3, 4Step R to right side Touch L toe behind R and swing hand to right
5, 6Step L forward, Touch R toe behind L
7, 8Rock step R back, Recover L (9)
¼ Paddle, ¼ Paddle, Weave Across, Side, Behind, Side
1, 2Step R forward, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
3, 4Step R forward, Turn ¼ left taking weight onto L
5, 6Step R across L, Step L to left side
7, 8Step R behind L, Step L to left side (3)
Begin dance again……
Short Wall: Wall 9 (facing 12 o’clock ) dance first 8 counts and add following Tag.
1 – 4Step R to right side and sway hips R L R L
Finish: Wall 11 dance to end, Touch R toe across L and unwind ½ left taking weight onto R.
Dance may be copied and distributed provided original steps remain unchanged.
Email: colleen.archer@bigpond.com