Easy Intermediate
Dance Seq.: 48 steps, 16 steps, Tag, 32 steps, dance entire dance to end of music
Dance starts on 16:
Section 1 : Step lock Step (2), ½ Turn L, ¼ Turn R w/Cross
1&2 Right step lock step
3&4 Left step lock step
5&6 Chase ½ turn
7&8 Chase ¼ turn, crossing left over right
Section 2: Scissor Step R, Scissor Step L, C-bump Left, R Coaster
1&2 Scissor step – rock to the right and cross right over left
3&4 Scissor step – rock to the left and cross left over right
5-6 C-bump – Pivot on ball of left foot and hitch right for 2 counts, ¼ turn
7&8 Coaster step backward, staring with right
Section 3: Point, Point, L Sailor Step, Point, Point R Sailor Step
1-2-3-4 Point left toe forward, point left toe to left side, left sailor step
5-6-7-8 Point right toe forward, point right toe to right side, right sailor step
Section 4: Walk L, Walk R, ½ Turn R, Full Turn L, ¼ Turn R
1-2 walk left, walk right
3&4 ½ turn chase to right
5&6 full turn in 3 steps, to left
7&8 ¼ turn chase to right
Section 5: C-Bump R, Military Turn L, R Kick Ball Change, Step/Touch R
1-2 C-bump – Pivot on ball of left foot and hitch right for 2 counts, ¼ turn
3&4 Right Coaster Step
5 - 6 ¼ Military turn, taking left toe behind right heel and turning ¼ turn to left
7&8 Right kick ball change
Section 6: Step/Touch L, Step/Touch R, R Mambo, L Mambo
1& Step right, (1:00 o’clock) touch left toe beside right
2& Step left, (11:00 o’clock) touch right toe beside left
3& Step right, (1:00 o’clock) touch left toe beside right
4& Step left, (11:00 o’clock) touch right toe beside left
5&6 Mambo Right
7&8 Mambo Left
Paddle 4 steps to right while pivoting on right foot
Paddle 4 steps to left while pivoting on left foot
Contact: chuckie6909@yahoo.com
Dance starts on 16:
Section 1 : Step lock Step (2), ½ Turn L, ¼ Turn R w/Cross
1&2 Right step lock step
3&4 Left step lock step
5&6 Chase ½ turn
7&8 Chase ¼ turn, crossing left over right
Section 2: Scissor Step R, Scissor Step L, C-bump Left, R Coaster
1&2 Scissor step – rock to the right and cross right over left
3&4 Scissor step – rock to the left and cross left over right
5-6 C-bump – Pivot on ball of left foot and hitch right for 2 counts, ¼ turn
7&8 Coaster step backward, staring with right
Section 3: Point, Point, L Sailor Step, Point, Point R Sailor Step
1-2-3-4 Point left toe forward, point left toe to left side, left sailor step
5-6-7-8 Point right toe forward, point right toe to right side, right sailor step
Section 4: Walk L, Walk R, ½ Turn R, Full Turn L, ¼ Turn R
1-2 walk left, walk right
3&4 ½ turn chase to right
5&6 full turn in 3 steps, to left
7&8 ¼ turn chase to right
Section 5: C-Bump R, Military Turn L, R Kick Ball Change, Step/Touch R
1-2 C-bump – Pivot on ball of left foot and hitch right for 2 counts, ¼ turn
3&4 Right Coaster Step
5 - 6 ¼ Military turn, taking left toe behind right heel and turning ¼ turn to left
7&8 Right kick ball change
Section 6: Step/Touch L, Step/Touch R, R Mambo, L Mambo
1& Step right, (1:00 o’clock) touch left toe beside right
2& Step left, (11:00 o’clock) touch right toe beside left
3& Step right, (1:00 o’clock) touch left toe beside right
4& Step left, (11:00 o’clock) touch right toe beside left
5&6 Mambo Right
7&8 Mambo Left
Paddle 4 steps to right while pivoting on right foot
Paddle 4 steps to left while pivoting on left foot
Contact: chuckie6909@yahoo.com