CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ole Jacobson (DE) & Nina K. (DE) - August 2016
Begin: 16 Counts on Lyrics

Point, point, coaster-step R. point, point, shuffle back
1.2right over left Touch - Touch RF diagonally forward R
3 & 4RF small step back - left beside right - RF small step forward
5.6left over right Touch - Touch LF diagonally forward L
7 & 8LF small step back - step right beside left - LF small step back

Walk, walk, coaster step, walk, walk, running, stomp
1.2RF small step back - LF small step back (Restart 2 5.Wand)
3 & 4RF small step back - left beside right - RF small step forward
5,6LF step forward - RF step forward
7 & 8 &LF step forward - RF step forward - LF step forward - right beside left to stomp (weight on LF)

Point, close, point, behind, side, cross, point, close, point, sailor turn 1/4 L
1 & 2RF to R Touch - touch right beside left - RFnach R Touch
3 & 4Step right behind left - step left L - cross right over left
5 & 6touch left by L - touch left beside right - Touch LF to L
7 & 8Cross left behind right, 1 / 4L-Rotation - RF step to R - LF step forward

Charleston R+L
1.2touch right forward over left - step right back, crossed behind LF
3.4LF backwards, crossed Touch behind RF - LF step forward, crossed in front of RF
5.6touch right forward over left - Step back crossed behind LF
7.8LF backwards, crossed Touch behind RF - LF step forward, crossed in front of RF
...and from the beginning

TAG1: always at 6 am and 12 am
8steps, all L-rotation about 8 Counts with RF starting while waving their hands
Ends on LF

TAG2: in the 4 wall dance instead Count 5.6 of 2.Section following Counts
beat 5 & 6 hands on the thighs - Once clap their hands - snap at shoulder height with your fingers

TAG3: at the end of the dance 7th.Wall addition
1.2touch right forward - step right back
settle 3 & 4LF beside right, beat his hands on the thigh - Once clap their hands - snap at shoulder height with your fingers and Restart

Restart in the 2nd and 5th.Wall after 10 Counts (Walk, Walk)

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