S1. R Side, rock back , L Side, rock back, R side, L behind, R Side, step lock step Fwd with 1/8
1-2&RF step to the Side , LF rock back, recover
3-4&LF step to the Side, RF back rock, recover
5-6&RF step to the Side, LF cross behind RF , RF step to the Side
7&8LF step lock step Fwd with 1-8 turn to the R
S2. 1/2 diamond R , Side rock , cross, Side, cross, Side, cross
1&2cross RF in front of LF , LF step to the Side with 1/8 turn , RF back with 1/8 turn
3&4LF back , RF step to the Side with 1/8 turn , LF step Fwd
5&6RF Side rock , recover, RF cross in front of LF
&7LF step to the side , RF cross in front of LF
&8LF step to the Side, RF cross in front of LF
S3. LF & RF step with 1/8 turn , samba step with 1/8 , volta
1-2LF step Fwd with 1/8, RF step Fwd
3&4cross LF in front of RF , RF step to the R with 1/8 turn , LF step to the Side
5&6RF turn 1/8 turn to the R stepping R slightly fwd , step ball of L Just behind R, RF turn 1/8 turn to the R stepping R slightly Fwd
&7step ball of L just behind R, RF turn 1/8 turn to the R stepping R slightly Fwd
&8step ball of L Just behind R, RF turn 1/8 to the R stepping R slightly Fwd
S4. Mambo cross X2, ball step 1/4, ball step cross, 3/4 turn
1&2LF Side rock , recover , cross LF in front of RF
3&4RF Side rock , recover, cross RF in front Of LF
&5LF back with 1/4 turn , RF step Fwd
&6LF step Fwd , cross RF behind LF
7-8pivot 3/4 turn to the R
Tag + Restart: At 4th wall
At the end of the Second Section, LF step to the Side and Restart the Dance.
Contact: gregoire18@hotmail.com
1-2&RF step to the Side , LF rock back, recover
3-4&LF step to the Side, RF back rock, recover
5-6&RF step to the Side, LF cross behind RF , RF step to the Side
7&8LF step lock step Fwd with 1-8 turn to the R
S2. 1/2 diamond R , Side rock , cross, Side, cross, Side, cross
1&2cross RF in front of LF , LF step to the Side with 1/8 turn , RF back with 1/8 turn
3&4LF back , RF step to the Side with 1/8 turn , LF step Fwd
5&6RF Side rock , recover, RF cross in front of LF
&7LF step to the side , RF cross in front of LF
&8LF step to the Side, RF cross in front of LF
S3. LF & RF step with 1/8 turn , samba step with 1/8 , volta
1-2LF step Fwd with 1/8, RF step Fwd
3&4cross LF in front of RF , RF step to the R with 1/8 turn , LF step to the Side
5&6RF turn 1/8 turn to the R stepping R slightly fwd , step ball of L Just behind R, RF turn 1/8 turn to the R stepping R slightly Fwd
&7step ball of L just behind R, RF turn 1/8 turn to the R stepping R slightly Fwd
&8step ball of L Just behind R, RF turn 1/8 to the R stepping R slightly Fwd
S4. Mambo cross X2, ball step 1/4, ball step cross, 3/4 turn
1&2LF Side rock , recover , cross LF in front of RF
3&4RF Side rock , recover, cross RF in front Of LF
&5LF back with 1/4 turn , RF step Fwd
&6LF step Fwd , cross RF behind LF
7-8pivot 3/4 turn to the R
Tag + Restart: At 4th wall
At the end of the Second Section, LF step to the Side and Restart the Dance.
Contact: gregoire18@hotmail.com