CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Piky Piky

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Newcomer - Cuban motion
Joan Morro (ES) & Aina M. Salas - June 2016
Picky - Joey Montana
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Intro 16 counts. (Sequence: A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,A), una pared,

PART A: 32 counts
A[1-8]: Cross point left & side point, sailor turn ¼ left, 2 botafogos x 2
1Left Toe Cross point over right
2left toe point to the left side
3left foot Cross behind right and ¼ turn Left
&Step right to right side
4Recover on left foot
5Right foot cross over left
&Left foot Step to the left
6Recover weight on right
7Left foot Cross over right
&right foot step to the right side
8Recover weight on left

A[9-16]: Cross point right, side point, sailor turn ¼ right x 2 botafogos x2
1Right toe cross point over left .
2Right toe point to the right side
3Right foot cross behind left with ¼ turn right
&Step left to the left side
4Recover on right foot
5Lef foot cross over right
&foot step to the right side
6Recover weight on left
7Right foot cross over left
&left foot step to th left side
8Recover weight on right

A[17-24]: Walk forward x 4, step left side, together & chasse
1Left foot step forward
2Right foot step forward
3Left foot step forward
4Right foot close next to left
5Left foot step to the left side
6Right foot step together left
7Left foot step to the left side
&Right foot step together left
8Left foot step to the left side

A[25-32]: Walk backward x4, step right side, together and chasse
1Step backwards right foot
2Step backwards left foot
3Step backwards right foot
4Left foot close next right
5Step right to the right side
6Step left together right foot
7Step right to the right side
&Step left together right foot
8Step right to the right side

PART B: 16 counts
B[1-8]: Mambo Combination side and forward x2
1Rock side left
&Recover on right
2Left foot close near right
3Rock side right
&Recover on left
4Right foot close near left
5¼ turn right and rock side left foot (3.00)
&Recover on right (3.00)
6¼ turn left and close left foot near right (12.00)
7¼ turn left and rock side right foot (9.00)
&Recover on left (9.00)
8¼ turn right and right foot close near left(12.00)

B[9-16]: Rhumba box backward, syncopated steps forward & backward
1Step left to the left side
&Right foot together left foot
2step backwards left foot
3Step right to the right side
&Left foot together right foot
4Step forward right foot
5Step forward left foot
&Right foot close near left
6Step backwards left foot
&Right foot close near left
7Step forward left foot
&Right foot close near left
8Step backwards left foot
&Right foot close near left

PART C: 32 counts
C[1-8]: Left Swivels x 5 , clap , right toe touch x 5 & clap (arms movement)
1both heels to left
&both toes to left
2both heels to left
&both toes to left
3both heel to left
4Hold and clap
5Touch right toe in front
&Touch right toe in front
6Touch right toe in front
&Touch right toe in front
7Touch right toe in front
8Close right foot near left foot and clap

** Arm movements

C[9-16]: Side mambo step left and right, ½ Paddles turn right (Arms movement)
1Rock side left
&Recover on right
2Close left foot near right foot
3Rock side right
&Recover on left
4Close right foot near left foot
5Left foot step forward with 1/8 turn right
&Recover on right
6Left foot step forward with 1/8 turn right
&Recover on right
7Left foot step forward with 1/8 turn right
&Recover on right
8Close left foot near right foot

*** Arm movements

C[17-32]: Repeat the same counts C[1-16]

Arms Movements:

** Women Style , during the 5 toe touch the woman placed hands on right knee
Men Style, during the 5 toe touch }the man with close hand will make 5 strokes from top to bottom

*** When we do the mambo to the left take both hands to the left and when we do the mambo to the right take both hands to the right.
When we do the Paddle turn put your hands in the air.

ENDING: We ended with arms crossed.

Start again and enjoy dancing Sambathon

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