Start: 16 Count Intro, Weight on left foot
S1: Fwd, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle, Step, Pivot, Fwd, Hold
1 2 3&4Step fwd on R, Rock back onto L, Turning 180 right shuffle fwd: RLR 6
5-8Step L fwd, Turning 180 right step R fwd, Step L fwd, Hold 12
S2: ½ Turn Toe Strut, ½ Turn Toe Strut, ½ Turn Toe Strut, Fwd, Hold
1 2Turn 180 left step back on R toe, Step down on R heel (click fingers) 6
3 4Turn 180 left step fwd on L toe, Step down on L heel (click fingers) 12
5 6Turn 180 left step back on R toe, Step down on R heel (click fingers) 6
7 8Step L fwd, Hold (click fingers)
S3: Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Side, Hold
1-4Cross R over left, Step L to left, Step R behind left, Step L to left
5-8Cross R over left, Rock onto L, Step R to right, Hold 6
S4: Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step Pivot, Forward, Hold
1-4Cross L over right, Step R to right, Step L behind right, Turn 90 right step R forward
5-8Step L fwd, Turning 180 right step R fwd, *** Step L fwd, Hold ## 3
S5: Rocking Chair, Scuff, Hitch, Step, Hold
1-4Step R fwd, Rock back onto L, Step R back, Rock fwd onto L
5-8Scuff R beside left, *** Hitch R foot up in front of your left knee, Step fwd on R, Hold 3
(Styling: As you Scuff & Hitch rise up on your left toe.)
S6: Rocking Chair, Scuff, Hitch, Step, Hold
1-4Step L fwd, Rock back onto R, Step L back, Rock fwd onto R
5-8Scuff L beside right, Hitch L foot up in front of your right knee, Step fwd on L, Hold 3
(Styling: As you Scuff & Hitch rise up on your right toe.)
S7: Fwd, Touch, Fwd, Touch, Back, Touch, Back, Touch
1-4Step fwd on R, Touch L to left, Step fwd on L, Touch R to right
5-8Step back on R, Touch L to left, Step back on L, Touch R to right 3
S8: Back, Back, Back, Hold, ¾ Triple Step, Hold
1-4Take small steps back RLR, Hold
5-8Turning 270 to the left triple step L,R,L on the spot, Hold 6
TAG: At the End of Walls 1 and 2 add the following: Sway, Hold, Sway, Hold
1-4Sway R hips to right, Hold, Sway L hips to left, Hold
BRIDGE: Wall 3: ## After Count 32 add a Rocking Chair and continue on with the dance.
1-4Step R fwd , Rock back onto L, Step R back, Rock fwd onto L
FINISH: Wall 5: *** After Count 37 Turn your R Hitch ¼ to the left and step R to the right to finish the dance at the front wall.
Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Jo Rosenblatt 0417 074218 errolandjo@bigpond.com
S1: Fwd, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle, Step, Pivot, Fwd, Hold
1 2 3&4Step fwd on R, Rock back onto L, Turning 180 right shuffle fwd: RLR 6
5-8Step L fwd, Turning 180 right step R fwd, Step L fwd, Hold 12
S2: ½ Turn Toe Strut, ½ Turn Toe Strut, ½ Turn Toe Strut, Fwd, Hold
1 2Turn 180 left step back on R toe, Step down on R heel (click fingers) 6
3 4Turn 180 left step fwd on L toe, Step down on L heel (click fingers) 12
5 6Turn 180 left step back on R toe, Step down on R heel (click fingers) 6
7 8Step L fwd, Hold (click fingers)
S3: Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Side, Hold
1-4Cross R over left, Step L to left, Step R behind left, Step L to left
5-8Cross R over left, Rock onto L, Step R to right, Hold 6
S4: Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step Pivot, Forward, Hold
1-4Cross L over right, Step R to right, Step L behind right, Turn 90 right step R forward
5-8Step L fwd, Turning 180 right step R fwd, *** Step L fwd, Hold ## 3
S5: Rocking Chair, Scuff, Hitch, Step, Hold
1-4Step R fwd, Rock back onto L, Step R back, Rock fwd onto L
5-8Scuff R beside left, *** Hitch R foot up in front of your left knee, Step fwd on R, Hold 3
(Styling: As you Scuff & Hitch rise up on your left toe.)
S6: Rocking Chair, Scuff, Hitch, Step, Hold
1-4Step L fwd, Rock back onto R, Step L back, Rock fwd onto R
5-8Scuff L beside right, Hitch L foot up in front of your right knee, Step fwd on L, Hold 3
(Styling: As you Scuff & Hitch rise up on your right toe.)
S7: Fwd, Touch, Fwd, Touch, Back, Touch, Back, Touch
1-4Step fwd on R, Touch L to left, Step fwd on L, Touch R to right
5-8Step back on R, Touch L to left, Step back on L, Touch R to right 3
S8: Back, Back, Back, Hold, ¾ Triple Step, Hold
1-4Take small steps back RLR, Hold
5-8Turning 270 to the left triple step L,R,L on the spot, Hold 6
TAG: At the End of Walls 1 and 2 add the following: Sway, Hold, Sway, Hold
1-4Sway R hips to right, Hold, Sway L hips to left, Hold
BRIDGE: Wall 3: ## After Count 32 add a Rocking Chair and continue on with the dance.
1-4Step R fwd , Rock back onto L, Step R back, Rock fwd onto L
FINISH: Wall 5: *** After Count 37 Turn your R Hitch ¼ to the left and step R to the right to finish the dance at the front wall.
Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Jo Rosenblatt 0417 074218 errolandjo@bigpond.com