#16 Count Intro
Freeze Right, hips Left X 2 , Hips Right X 2
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, L behind R, R To r side and touch L together
5&6,7&8Step L foot to L side and push hips L,R,L, Push hips R,L,R
Freeze Left, ¼ Turn Step Forward to R Diagonal and back to L
1,2,3,4Step L to L side, Step R behind Ll, Step L to L side , ¼ turn left and scuff R (9 O Clock)
5,6,7,8Step R forward to R diagonal, Click both hands at shoulder height, Step L foot back to L diagonal and touch R together with L
Step R to R, Touch L Foot In front of R, Repeat on L, Step R back to R diagonal, Touch and Forward to L Diagonal
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, and touch L toe in front of R, Click R hand at Hip height, Step L foot to L side, and point R toe in front of L, Click L hand at hip height
5,6,7,8Step R foot back to R diagonal, clicking both hands at shoulder height while touching L together, Step L foot forward to L diagonal , Clicking both hands at shouler height while clicking R foot together.
½ Pivot, Walk, Walk , Rocking Chair Hitch
1,2,3,4Step R foot forward ½ turn pivot L, taking weight onto L, Walk forward R,L (3 O Clock)
5,6,7,8Rock forward onto R, replace weight onto L, Rock back onto R, Rock forward onto L while hitching R knee.
[32] Counts Restart Dance
Contact: www.dare2dance.org - 0404 170 276 - www.mayworth.com.au
Freeze Right, hips Left X 2 , Hips Right X 2
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, L behind R, R To r side and touch L together
5&6,7&8Step L foot to L side and push hips L,R,L, Push hips R,L,R
Freeze Left, ¼ Turn Step Forward to R Diagonal and back to L
1,2,3,4Step L to L side, Step R behind Ll, Step L to L side , ¼ turn left and scuff R (9 O Clock)
5,6,7,8Step R forward to R diagonal, Click both hands at shoulder height, Step L foot back to L diagonal and touch R together with L
Step R to R, Touch L Foot In front of R, Repeat on L, Step R back to R diagonal, Touch and Forward to L Diagonal
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, and touch L toe in front of R, Click R hand at Hip height, Step L foot to L side, and point R toe in front of L, Click L hand at hip height
5,6,7,8Step R foot back to R diagonal, clicking both hands at shoulder height while touching L together, Step L foot forward to L diagonal , Clicking both hands at shouler height while clicking R foot together.
½ Pivot, Walk, Walk , Rocking Chair Hitch
1,2,3,4Step R foot forward ½ turn pivot L, taking weight onto L, Walk forward R,L (3 O Clock)
5,6,7,8Rock forward onto R, replace weight onto L, Rock back onto R, Rock forward onto L while hitching R knee.
[32] Counts Restart Dance
Contact: www.dare2dance.org - 0404 170 276 - www.mayworth.com.au