CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Lars Kuif (NL) - May 2016
Thank You - MKTO
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Starts after 32 counts - Sequences: A-A-A-A-A(restart)-A-A-A-A-B-B-B-B-B-A-A

Part A - 32 counts
[1 – 8] ½ L, Diagonal Jump 2x, Cross, Behind, Diagonal Jumps Back 2x
1 – 2Step R fwd. (1), ½ L recovering to L (2) [06:00]
& 3 & 4Jump R diag. fwd. (&), touch L next to R (3), jump diag. fwd. (&), touch R next to L (4) [06:00]
5 – 6Step R across L (5), step L back (6) [06:00]
& 7 & 8Jump R diag. back (&), touch L next to R (7), jump diag. back (&), touch R next to L (8) [06:00]

[9 – 16] Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Side, Touch, Kick-Ball-Cross, Side
1 – 2Rock R to side (1), recover to L (2) [06:00]
3 & 4Step R across L (3), step L to side (&), step R across L (4) [06:00]
5 – 6Step L to side (5), touch R next to L (6) [06:00]
7 & 8 &Kick R to diagon. (7), step on ball R (&), step L across R (8), step R to side (&) [06:00]
(Note: Restart in wall 5, after kick-ball-cross (count 8))

[17 – 24] Cross Rock, Chassé, Cross, Point, Kick-Ball-Point
1 – 2Step R across L (1), recover to L (2) [06:00]
3 & 4Step L to side (3), step R next to L (&), step L to side (4) [06:00]
5 – 6Step R across L (5), point L to side (6) [06:00]
7 & 8Kick L fwd. (7), step on ball L (&), point R to side (8) [06:00]

[25 – 32] Walk R-L, Shuffle, Rock, ¾ Shuffle Turn
1 – 2Step R fwd. (1), step L fwd. (2) [06:00]
3 & 4Step R fwd.(3), step L next to R (&), step R fwd. (4) [06:00]
5 – 6Rock L fwd. (5), recover to R (6) [06:00]
7 & 8¼ L stepping L to side (7), ¼ L stepping R next to L (&), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (8) [09:00]

Part B - 16 counts (after 9th wall, starts facing 06:00):
[33 – 40] Side, Hold, Rock Back (2x)
1 – 4Step R to side (1), hold (2), rock L back (3), recover to R (4) [06:00]
5 – 8Step R to side (5), hold (6), rock L back (7), recover to R (8) [06:00]

[41 – 48] ¼ R, Hold, ½ Pivot R, Hold, Prizzy Walk R-L
1 – 4¼ R stepping R fwd. (1), hold (2), step L fwd. (3), ½ R recovering to R (4) [03:00]
5 – 8Step L fwd. (5), hold (6), step R before L (7), step L before R (8) [03:00]

Restarts: Dance wall 5 up to count 16 (count 8 of section 2) and Restart


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