CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Nobody's Child

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High Beginner
Des Ho (SG) - May 2016
Nobody's Child - Karen Young
Nobody's Child - Sydney Devine
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Intro: Dance after 4 counts from heavy beats (0:09 sec) - No Tag, No Start

[1 – 8 ] Stroll R Brush, Stroll L Brush [10:30]
1234Step R forward diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R forward diagonal, Brush L [1:30]
5678Step L forward diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L forward diagonal, Brush R [10:30]

[9 -16] Rocking Chair, Forward Pivot 1/2 Turn, Forward Shuffle [6:00]
1234Rock R forward, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L
5-6Step R forward, Pivot 1/2 L weigh on L [6:00]
7&8,Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward

[17–24] Stroll L Brush, Stroll R Brush [7:30]
1234Step L forward diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L forward diagonal, Brush R [4:30]
5678Step R forward diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R forward diagonal, Brush L [7:30]

[25 -32] Rocking Chair, Forward Pivot 1/2 Turn, Forward Shuffle [12:00]
1234Rock L forward, Recover on R, Rock back on L, Recover on R
5-6Step L forward, Pivot 1/2 R weigh on R [12:00]
7&8,Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward

[33 -40] Vine R, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle [12:00]
1234Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Cross L over R
5-6Rock R to R, Recover on L *
( * Option: On every even wall (i.e. 2,4 & 6) blow kisses with your hands during count 37-38)
7&8,Cross R over L, Step L slightly to L, Cross R over L

[41–48] Vine L, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle [12:00]
1234Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L
5-6Rock L to L, Recover on R **
( ** Option: On wall 2, 4 & 6, put a smile with your hands at mouth level during count 45-46)
7&8Cross L over R, Step R slightly to R, Cross L over R

[49 -56] Monterey 1/4 Turn, Forward Rock, Coaster Step [3:00]
1-2Point R toes to R, Make 1/4 R stepping R next to L [3:00]
3-4Point L toes to L, Step L next to R
5-6Rock R forward, Recover on L
7&8,Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step R forward

[57 -64] Forward Rock, 1/2 Turn Forward Shuffle, Pivot 1/2 Turn Forward Shuffle [3:00]
1-2Rock L forward, Recover on R
3-4Make 1/4 L stepping L to L, Step R next to L, Make 1/4 L stepping L forward [9:00]
5-6Step R forward, Pivot 1/2 L weigh on L [3:00]
7&8Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward

[65 -68] Forward Rock, Coaster [3:00]
1-2Rock L forward, Recover on R
3&4Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step L forward

Repeat & Enjoy!

Ending Option: On Wall 7, dance until count 24 & change following 4 counts:
[25 - 32] Rocking Chair Coaster Step, Walk & Pose!
123&4Rock L forward, recover on R, Step back on L, R next to L, Step L forward
5Walk R forward & Pose!

Contact choreographer at for music & query
Last update: 25 May 2016

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