Intro : 32 Counts
#1S : Point out right,together,point out left,together,point out right,hitch,point out right.
1&2point out right,together,point out left.
&3&4together,point out right,hitch right, touch toe right outside
5&6cross heel jack on left
7&8cross heel jack on right
#2S : Full turn on left with triple step,side slide right,step slide left on left with ¼ turn , step right side shuffle ¼ tour on the left.
1.2¼ turn left step,1/4 turn left step,
3&4½ turn on left, triple step side on left
5&6step right slide,together,1/4 turn on left with step left side slide
7&8¼ turn on left , triple step on right .
#3S : Slide step left in diagonally forward left,slide right in diagonally right,shuffle left in diagonally left,1/4 turn,side right with bump left, side left with bump right.
1.2slide in diagonally forward left,slide in diagonally forward right
3&4shuffle in diagonally forward left
5.6¼ turn on left side right with bump left
7.8side left with bump right
#4S : 2 walks forward, anchor step 2 sweep, sailor left ½ tour
1.2step right forward,step left forward
3&4triple step,right left right on place (anchor step)
5.6sweep left backward,sweep right backward.
7&8sailor ½ tour in left
Contact : saumelas38@gmail.com
#1S : Point out right,together,point out left,together,point out right,hitch,point out right.
1&2point out right,together,point out left.
&3&4together,point out right,hitch right, touch toe right outside
5&6cross heel jack on left
7&8cross heel jack on right
#2S : Full turn on left with triple step,side slide right,step slide left on left with ¼ turn , step right side shuffle ¼ tour on the left.
1.2¼ turn left step,1/4 turn left step,
3&4½ turn on left, triple step side on left
5&6step right slide,together,1/4 turn on left with step left side slide
7&8¼ turn on left , triple step on right .
#3S : Slide step left in diagonally forward left,slide right in diagonally right,shuffle left in diagonally left,1/4 turn,side right with bump left, side left with bump right.
1.2slide in diagonally forward left,slide in diagonally forward right
3&4shuffle in diagonally forward left
5.6¼ turn on left side right with bump left
7.8side left with bump right
#4S : 2 walks forward, anchor step 2 sweep, sailor left ½ tour
1.2step right forward,step left forward
3&4triple step,right left right on place (anchor step)
5.6sweep left backward,sweep right backward.
7&8sailor ½ tour in left
Contact : saumelas38@gmail.com