#32 count intro.
Walk R, L, Kick Ball Change, Rocking Chair
1-2walk forward right, left
3&4kick right foot forward, replace weight to right, change weight to left
5-6rock forward right, replace weight to left
7-8rock back right, replace weight to left
1/4 Turn Jazz, Touch, Chasse Left,
1-2step forward right, turn 1/4 turn left
3-4cross right over left, step back left,
5-6step right to right side, touch left beside right
7&8chasse left(Side, close, side)
Back Rock, Point Side, Front, Side Touch, Forward, Touch
1-2rock back right, replace weight to left
3-4point right to right side, point right forward slightly across left
5-6step right to right side, touch left beside right
7-8Step forward left, touch right beside left
*Styling: Counts 5-8 should be danced body angled to right diagonal.
Side Together, Back, Touch, Side Together, Shuffle Forward.
1-2Step right to right side, close left beside right
3-4step back right, touch left beside right
5-6step left to left side, close right beside left
7&8shuffle forward left, right, left
Begin again.
Contact: michael@inline.ie - Website: ww.inline.ie
Last Update - 14th April 2016
Walk R, L, Kick Ball Change, Rocking Chair
1-2walk forward right, left
3&4kick right foot forward, replace weight to right, change weight to left
5-6rock forward right, replace weight to left
7-8rock back right, replace weight to left
1/4 Turn Jazz, Touch, Chasse Left,
1-2step forward right, turn 1/4 turn left
3-4cross right over left, step back left,
5-6step right to right side, touch left beside right
7&8chasse left(Side, close, side)
Back Rock, Point Side, Front, Side Touch, Forward, Touch
1-2rock back right, replace weight to left
3-4point right to right side, point right forward slightly across left
5-6step right to right side, touch left beside right
7-8Step forward left, touch right beside left
*Styling: Counts 5-8 should be danced body angled to right diagonal.
Side Together, Back, Touch, Side Together, Shuffle Forward.
1-2Step right to right side, close left beside right
3-4step back right, touch left beside right
5-6step left to left side, close right beside left
7&8shuffle forward left, right, left
Begin again.
Contact: michael@inline.ie - Website: ww.inline.ie
Last Update - 14th April 2016