#16 count intro
S.1 Right heel, switch left heel, right hook over left , right heel & Left heel, switch right heel, left hook over right step down left
1 & 2 &Right heel forward, replace, left heel forward, replace weight onto left foot (12 o’clock)
3 & 4right heel forward, hook right over left, right heel forward
& 5 & 6right foot down (&) left heel forward, replace weight, right heel forward, replace weight
& 7 & 8left heel forward, hook left over right, step down left
S. 2 Rock right, recover left, chasse quarter right, cross, side, behind side cross
1,2, 3 & 4rock right, recover left, turn ¼ right into right to right side, close left next to right, right to right side (3 o’clock)
5,6,7 & 8cross left over right, right to right side, left behind right, right to right side and cross left over right
S 3. Right Rock recover left, right sailor step, left sailor left scuff hitch left shuffle forward
1,2, 3 & 4right to right side, recover left, right foot back, left to right side, right foot side
RESTART during wall 4 - do an & count by placing weight onto left foot** (12 o’clock)
5& 6& 7& 8left behind right, recover on right,scuff left – hitch left into a left shuffle forward
TAG (2 counts) ** During wall 8
1,2rock forward right – recover left – RESTART** (12 o’clock)
S4 Right heel to right diagonal, right toe across left x 2, right shuffle to right diagonal, forward left recover, left coaster step
1 & 2 & 3 & 4right heel forward to right diagonal, right heel across left foot, right heel forward to right diagonal right heel across left foot, right forward, left together, right forward.
5,6,7 & 8left forward, right foot back, left back, right together , left forward.
TAG – END OF WALL 10, facing 6 o’clock
1& 2& 3& 4&walk right clap, walk left clap, walk right clap, walk left clap. Restart dance
Many thanks to Dawn Sherlock for suggesting I do an improver dance to this music.
***Suggestion – floor split – intermediate dance is Paddy’s Party ***
Contact: joyce.plaskett1@btinternet.com
S.1 Right heel, switch left heel, right hook over left , right heel & Left heel, switch right heel, left hook over right step down left
1 & 2 &Right heel forward, replace, left heel forward, replace weight onto left foot (12 o’clock)
3 & 4right heel forward, hook right over left, right heel forward
& 5 & 6right foot down (&) left heel forward, replace weight, right heel forward, replace weight
& 7 & 8left heel forward, hook left over right, step down left
S. 2 Rock right, recover left, chasse quarter right, cross, side, behind side cross
1,2, 3 & 4rock right, recover left, turn ¼ right into right to right side, close left next to right, right to right side (3 o’clock)
5,6,7 & 8cross left over right, right to right side, left behind right, right to right side and cross left over right
S 3. Right Rock recover left, right sailor step, left sailor left scuff hitch left shuffle forward
1,2, 3 & 4right to right side, recover left, right foot back, left to right side, right foot side
RESTART during wall 4 - do an & count by placing weight onto left foot** (12 o’clock)
5& 6& 7& 8left behind right, recover on right,scuff left – hitch left into a left shuffle forward
TAG (2 counts) ** During wall 8
1,2rock forward right – recover left – RESTART** (12 o’clock)
S4 Right heel to right diagonal, right toe across left x 2, right shuffle to right diagonal, forward left recover, left coaster step
1 & 2 & 3 & 4right heel forward to right diagonal, right heel across left foot, right heel forward to right diagonal right heel across left foot, right forward, left together, right forward.
5,6,7 & 8left forward, right foot back, left back, right together , left forward.
TAG – END OF WALL 10, facing 6 o’clock
1& 2& 3& 4&walk right clap, walk left clap, walk right clap, walk left clap. Restart dance
Many thanks to Dawn Sherlock for suggesting I do an improver dance to this music.
***Suggestion – floor split – intermediate dance is Paddy’s Party ***
Contact: joyce.plaskett1@btinternet.com