Intermediate - Smooth
Intro: 16 counts from first beat
Ending: On wall 6 after 15 counts. ( facing 10:30 ) On Count 15, step fw. L and sweep R fw. ( now facing 10:30 )
(The music stops and there`s a hold for about 2 counts, finish of the dance with the jazz box 1/8 R on lyrics: ’This is your…’
Then step fw. L on the last word, song….) The End
[1 – 8] Back rock R, ½ turn L, back rock L full turn R and sweep L fw. Weave R and sweep R back, behind side step R diagonally fw. L
1-2aRock back R (1), recover L (2), make a ½ turn L stepping back R (a) 06:00
3-4aBack rock L (3), recover R (4), make a ½ turn R stepping back L (a) 12:00
5-6aMake a ½ turn R stepping fw. R and sweep L (5), cross L over R (6), step R to R side 06:00
7-8&aCross L behind R and sweep R back (7), cross R behind L (8), step L to L side (&), turn 1/8 L stepping fw. R (a) 04:30
[9 – 16] Step fw. L ½ turn R, ball rock fw. R recover L, together, step ½ turn R walk L fw. And sweep R, jazz box R
1–2aStep fw. L (1), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (2), step L next to R (a) 10:30
3-4aRock fw. R (3), recover L (4), step R next to L (a) 10:30
5-6Step fw. L (5), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (6), 04:30
7-8&aStep fw. L and sweep R fw. (7), cross R over L (8), step back L (&), turn 1/8 R stepping R to R side (a) 06:00 ( Ending on wall 6 )
[17 – 24] Cross rock L recover R, ball cross rock R recover L turn ¼ R, step full spiral turn R, step sweep, step ¼ R, step R down with a 1/8 turn R, run fw. L R
1-2aCross L over R (1), recover R (2), step L to L side (a) 06:00
3-4aCross R over L (3), recover L (4), turn ¼ R stepping fw. R (a) 09:00
5-6Step fw. L do a full spiral R on L (5), step fw. R and sweep L fw. (6) 09:00
7-8&aStep fw. L and do a slowly ¼ turn R on L (7), turn another 1/8 R stepping down R (8), run fw. L (&), run fw. R 01:30
[25 – 32] Step L diagonally fw. R and hitch R step back R ½ turn L, step R diagonally fw. L and hitch L step back L ½ turn R, full turn R, sweep L 1/8 R, scissor step R
1-2aStep fw. L and hitch R fw. (1), step back R (2), make a ½ turn L stepping fw. L (a) 07:30
3-4aStep fw. R and hitch L (3), step back L (4), make a ½ turn R stepping fw. R (a) 01:30
5-6Make a ½ turn R stepping back L (5), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (6) 01:30
7-8&aStep fwd. L (7), step R to R side squaring up to 12:00 (8), step L next to R (&), cross R over L (a) 12:00
[33 – 40] Side rock L recover R, ball side rock R recover ¼ turn R step R to L and point back L, recover ¼ L ball point R to side, ball point L to side, back rock L recover R ½ turn R step back L
1-2aRock L to L side (1), recover R (2), step L next to R (a) 12:00
3-4aRock R to R side (3), turn ¼ R as you recover L (4), step R next to L (a) 03:00
5a6aPoint L back (5), turn ¼ L stepping L next to R (a), point R to R side (6), step R next to L (a) 12:00
7-8&aPoint L to L side (7), back rock L (8), recover R (&), make a ½ turn R stepping back L (a) 06:00
Contact ~ Maria.maag.dk@gmail.com
Last Update - 9th May 2016
Ending: On wall 6 after 15 counts. ( facing 10:30 ) On Count 15, step fw. L and sweep R fw. ( now facing 10:30 )
(The music stops and there`s a hold for about 2 counts, finish of the dance with the jazz box 1/8 R on lyrics: ’This is your…’
Then step fw. L on the last word, song….) The End
[1 – 8] Back rock R, ½ turn L, back rock L full turn R and sweep L fw. Weave R and sweep R back, behind side step R diagonally fw. L
1-2aRock back R (1), recover L (2), make a ½ turn L stepping back R (a) 06:00
3-4aBack rock L (3), recover R (4), make a ½ turn R stepping back L (a) 12:00
5-6aMake a ½ turn R stepping fw. R and sweep L (5), cross L over R (6), step R to R side 06:00
7-8&aCross L behind R and sweep R back (7), cross R behind L (8), step L to L side (&), turn 1/8 L stepping fw. R (a) 04:30
[9 – 16] Step fw. L ½ turn R, ball rock fw. R recover L, together, step ½ turn R walk L fw. And sweep R, jazz box R
1–2aStep fw. L (1), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (2), step L next to R (a) 10:30
3-4aRock fw. R (3), recover L (4), step R next to L (a) 10:30
5-6Step fw. L (5), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (6), 04:30
7-8&aStep fw. L and sweep R fw. (7), cross R over L (8), step back L (&), turn 1/8 R stepping R to R side (a) 06:00 ( Ending on wall 6 )
[17 – 24] Cross rock L recover R, ball cross rock R recover L turn ¼ R, step full spiral turn R, step sweep, step ¼ R, step R down with a 1/8 turn R, run fw. L R
1-2aCross L over R (1), recover R (2), step L to L side (a) 06:00
3-4aCross R over L (3), recover L (4), turn ¼ R stepping fw. R (a) 09:00
5-6Step fw. L do a full spiral R on L (5), step fw. R and sweep L fw. (6) 09:00
7-8&aStep fw. L and do a slowly ¼ turn R on L (7), turn another 1/8 R stepping down R (8), run fw. L (&), run fw. R 01:30
[25 – 32] Step L diagonally fw. R and hitch R step back R ½ turn L, step R diagonally fw. L and hitch L step back L ½ turn R, full turn R, sweep L 1/8 R, scissor step R
1-2aStep fw. L and hitch R fw. (1), step back R (2), make a ½ turn L stepping fw. L (a) 07:30
3-4aStep fw. R and hitch L (3), step back L (4), make a ½ turn R stepping fw. R (a) 01:30
5-6Make a ½ turn R stepping back L (5), make a ½ turn R stepping down R (6) 01:30
7-8&aStep fwd. L (7), step R to R side squaring up to 12:00 (8), step L next to R (&), cross R over L (a) 12:00
[33 – 40] Side rock L recover R, ball side rock R recover ¼ turn R step R to L and point back L, recover ¼ L ball point R to side, ball point L to side, back rock L recover R ½ turn R step back L
1-2aRock L to L side (1), recover R (2), step L next to R (a) 12:00
3-4aRock R to R side (3), turn ¼ R as you recover L (4), step R next to L (a) 03:00
5a6aPoint L back (5), turn ¼ L stepping L next to R (a), point R to R side (6), step R next to L (a) 12:00
7-8&aPoint L to L side (7), back rock L (8), recover R (&), make a ½ turn R stepping back L (a) 06:00
Contact ~ Maria.maag.dk@gmail.com
Last Update - 9th May 2016