Absolute Beginner
Count in:- 24 counts
[1-8] R side together, Shuffle forward, L side together, shuffle forward.
1 2 3&4-step right to right side , step left beside right. Step forward on the right, step left to right, step forward on the right.
5 6 7&8-step left to left side, step right beside left. Step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left.
[9-16] rock R forward, recover, shuffle back, rock L back, recover, shuffle forward.
1 2 3&4-Rock forward on the right, recover weight onto left. Step back on the right, step left to right, step back on the right.
5 6 7&8-Rock back on the left, recover weight onto right. Step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left.
[17-24] step R, touch L, step L, touch R, x2 paddle turns ¼ L.
1 2 3 4-step right to right side, touch left ball beside right foot. Step left to left side, touch right ball beside left foot.
5 6 7 8-step forward on the right, transfer weight onto left making 1/8th of a turn left. Repeat again to end facing (9.00)
[25-32] R jazz box, step kick ( clap ) , step kick ( clap clap )
1 2 3 4-cross right over left, step left back, step right slightly to right side, step left in place.
5 6 7 8-step right to right side, kick left across right with a clap, step left to left side, kick right across left with x2 claps.
Start the dance again.
Email me – laurasway251@yahoo.co.uk
[1-8] R side together, Shuffle forward, L side together, shuffle forward.
1 2 3&4-step right to right side , step left beside right. Step forward on the right, step left to right, step forward on the right.
5 6 7&8-step left to left side, step right beside left. Step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left.
[9-16] rock R forward, recover, shuffle back, rock L back, recover, shuffle forward.
1 2 3&4-Rock forward on the right, recover weight onto left. Step back on the right, step left to right, step back on the right.
5 6 7&8-Rock back on the left, recover weight onto right. Step forward on the left, step right to left, step forward on the left.
[17-24] step R, touch L, step L, touch R, x2 paddle turns ¼ L.
1 2 3 4-step right to right side, touch left ball beside right foot. Step left to left side, touch right ball beside left foot.
5 6 7 8-step forward on the right, transfer weight onto left making 1/8th of a turn left. Repeat again to end facing (9.00)
[25-32] R jazz box, step kick ( clap ) , step kick ( clap clap )
1 2 3 4-cross right over left, step left back, step right slightly to right side, step left in place.
5 6 7 8-step right to right side, kick left across right with a clap, step left to left side, kick right across left with x2 claps.
Start the dance again.
Email me – laurasway251@yahoo.co.uk