Phrased Intermediate
Start after 16 counts
Tag after the 10th wall
PART A - 32 counts
A[1-8] 1/8 tour step x2, step ½ turn touch, Step x2, step ½ turn touch
1, 2, 3,4 1/8 turn R step R forward, step L forward, step R, ½ turn L touch LF forward
5, 6, 7, 8 Step L forward, step R forward, step L, ½ turn R touch RF forward (ending weight on LF, 1h30)
A[9-16] Step, cross behind backwards sweep, cross behind, 1/8 turn side, cross, side, swivel heel toe
1,2 Step R forward (1h30), cross LF behind RF sweep RF front to back
3&4 Cross RF behind LF, 1/8 turn L step L to L side, cross RF over LF
5, 6, 7, 8Step L to L side, swivel R heel, swivel R toe, swivel R heel (ending weight on LF 12h)
A[17-24] Wizard step x2, step ½ turn, full turn
1, 2& Step R diagonal R, cross LF behind RF, step R diagonal R (&)
3, 4& Step L diagonal L, cross RF behind LF, step L diagonal L (&) (ending weight on LF 12h)
5, 6 Step R forward, ½ turn L
7,8 ½ turn L step R backwards, ½ turn L step L forward (ending weight on LF 6h)
A[25-32] ¼ turn side, behind, side, step ¼ tour touch, side, touch bump x2
1, 2&3, 4 ¼ turn L step R to R side, cross LF behind RF, step R to R side, step L forward, ¼ turn R touch RF
5, 6, 7, 8 Step R to R side, touch LF diagonal bump L hip, step L to L side, touch RF diagonal bump R hip (ending weight on LF 12h )
PART B - 16 counts
B[1-8] paddle turn x2, sailor step, behind ¼ turn step, triple step
1,2 ¼ turn L point RF to R side, ¼ turn L point RF to R side
3&4 Cross RF behind LF, step L to L side, step R to R side
5,6 Cross LF behind RF, ¼ turn R step R forward
7&8 Step L forward, step R next to LF, step L forward (ending weight on LF 9h)
B[9-16] Rock step, step ½ turn, ¼ turn hitch, side, slide touch
1,2& Step R forward, recover, step R next to LF
3,4 Step R forward, ½ turn R step L forward
&5 Hitch ¼ turn R, step L to L side
6,7,8 Drag RF toward LF during 2 counts, touch RF next to LF (ending weight on LF 6h)
TAG : After 10th wall, repeat the last 4 counts of the part A
Start again with your smile !
Contact: lenapetit2@gmail.com
Tag after the 10th wall
PART A - 32 counts
A[1-8] 1/8 tour step x2, step ½ turn touch, Step x2, step ½ turn touch
1, 2, 3,4 1/8 turn R step R forward, step L forward, step R, ½ turn L touch LF forward
5, 6, 7, 8 Step L forward, step R forward, step L, ½ turn R touch RF forward (ending weight on LF, 1h30)
A[9-16] Step, cross behind backwards sweep, cross behind, 1/8 turn side, cross, side, swivel heel toe
1,2 Step R forward (1h30), cross LF behind RF sweep RF front to back
3&4 Cross RF behind LF, 1/8 turn L step L to L side, cross RF over LF
5, 6, 7, 8Step L to L side, swivel R heel, swivel R toe, swivel R heel (ending weight on LF 12h)
A[17-24] Wizard step x2, step ½ turn, full turn
1, 2& Step R diagonal R, cross LF behind RF, step R diagonal R (&)
3, 4& Step L diagonal L, cross RF behind LF, step L diagonal L (&) (ending weight on LF 12h)
5, 6 Step R forward, ½ turn L
7,8 ½ turn L step R backwards, ½ turn L step L forward (ending weight on LF 6h)
A[25-32] ¼ turn side, behind, side, step ¼ tour touch, side, touch bump x2
1, 2&3, 4 ¼ turn L step R to R side, cross LF behind RF, step R to R side, step L forward, ¼ turn R touch RF
5, 6, 7, 8 Step R to R side, touch LF diagonal bump L hip, step L to L side, touch RF diagonal bump R hip (ending weight on LF 12h )
PART B - 16 counts
B[1-8] paddle turn x2, sailor step, behind ¼ turn step, triple step
1,2 ¼ turn L point RF to R side, ¼ turn L point RF to R side
3&4 Cross RF behind LF, step L to L side, step R to R side
5,6 Cross LF behind RF, ¼ turn R step R forward
7&8 Step L forward, step R next to LF, step L forward (ending weight on LF 9h)
B[9-16] Rock step, step ½ turn, ¼ turn hitch, side, slide touch
1,2& Step R forward, recover, step R next to LF
3,4 Step R forward, ½ turn R step L forward
&5 Hitch ¼ turn R, step L to L side
6,7,8 Drag RF toward LF during 2 counts, touch RF next to LF (ending weight on LF 6h)
TAG : After 10th wall, repeat the last 4 counts of the part A
Start again with your smile !
Contact: lenapetit2@gmail.com